Thursday, October 3, 2019

Skills practice Essay Example for Free

Skills practice Essay There are many safety aspects that need to be considered when designing a training programme. A warm up is very important as it increases the blood flow, stimulates the level of activity and decreases the risk of injury and also may well help one concentrate better on the activity being performed. It also helps to prepare the body for the physical exercise that should follow it. It gently raises the pulse rate, which in turn prepares the heart for more strenuous activity. More oxygen and other fuels are transported to the muscles by the body. In a warm up there should be three phases; a pulse raiser, stretching and a skills practice. A cool down must also be preformed at the end of the session as this allows the body to recover by starting to remove the build up of lactate, and by stretching it allows the muscle fibres return to their initial condition. This helps return the body to its normal state in the quickest time possible. The blood flow will be kept high, waste products are washed out and the temperature slowly returns to normal. The equipment should always be checked before a match as if anything is not working properly or broken it could result in serious injury. This could be done by checking the bats for splits in them, using the correct rounders ball and making sure the posts are securely in position and that they cannot fall or cause an injury to a player.  The clothing should not be baggy or get in the way while playing, and if playing in warm weather light, airy clothes should be worn so as to prevent the player getting too hot and feeling faint. Jewellery should not be worn at all as this can get caught and cause damage or injury. Trainers must be worn as there will be running involved and so flat shoes will be needed. The playing surface should be on grass and should be firm. The pitch should be marked out with the course to run in a diamond shape. The posts and batting/bowling boxes should be clearly marked out.  The batting team must stand far back from the where the playing batter is standing as they could get hit either by the bat or if the ball goes behind. Also, players standing by a post must stand on the inside; otherwise it is obstruction, which could also cause injury by the batter running into the fielder. Throughout my training programme I managed to keep a high level of interest through each session, as each was very different, allowing me to try knew skills out each time. However, as I found chin-ups so hard, it made me dread doing that particular station, but at the same time more determined to do better. For each station and session I wanted to try and beat my own personal best, which made it a task and goal for me to reach, thus making it more interesting for me to complete. Planning of Monitoring  The exercises were in the correct order as no station followed another by using the same muscular groups. They were set in an order of using torso, arms, and legs and then repeated again. This made it easier to continue, and not too much strain was placed on a specific muscular group.  They were the correct choice as they tested my different abilities and helped improve my skills in diverse areas. This can help me while playing a rounders match, as the different skills needed would have been looked at and practised. I did not make any changes to my training programme during the course, although it would have been wise to have changed the chin-ups station in my fitness session as I did struggle with them. I was still able to do them, but I was unable to work flat-out for the whole required time. My heart rate was taken before I started, after the warm up and after every station. This helped me find out how hard I was working and whether over the course of the five weeks, I became fitter, resulting in a lower heart rate. My results show which stations I found easier and which I was best at performing. Final Evaluation  My post test score of the Illinois agility test was 20.37secs, but after my five week training programme, and having re-done the test, my time has improved to 19.18secs. It was an improvement of 1.19secs. Also, for my first abdominal curls test, I managed 82 sit-ups, but when I re-took it I was able to get up to 108, making an improvement of 26 sit-ups. This shows that my fitness level has increased form doing the five week training programme. My training programme was designed for one person during the fitness session and to work in pairs during the skills sessions. However, I had to work in a pair during the fitness session also as we had to time each other for each station. But this was not a problem as the rest gaps stayed constant, and it made it less complicated to do. All the equipment that was needed was available and there was not much setting up to do making it quick and easy to get on with. Overall, the programme was manageable and simple, as long as you are working in a pair. After completing the course, I find it a lot easier to complete each station with higher repetitions as my fitness level improved.  Although it was an exhausting and hard experience, I did enjoy it. I was able to increase my level of fitness, do a training programme that I designed and enjoyed and work with people that I got on with. This interaction did make it a lot more enjoyable. Out of the fitness stations, I enjoyed doing the sit-ups most, as I do these regularly and it is something I find easy and fun. However, I definitely liked the skills sessions best, as this put my rounders skills to the test and slowed me to play a part of a sport that I enjoy.  If I had to redo this in the future I would definitely change my chin-ups station in the fitness session as I found these hard and would probably have benefited a lot more with a different station.

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