Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Documentary Cinema, Choose one form 2 topics but I rather first one Essay

Documentary Cinema, Choose one form 2 topics but I rather first one - Essay Example While the majority of films are fictions based, the realm of the documentary films is of great important as well. This paper will analyze in details the film that is titled Sans Soleil and explore elements of its, proving that they make it an outstanding essay documentary. It is quite understandable that the voice of the narrator plays a significant role in the perception of the movie. In addition to that, as a rule, the directors often narrate their movies themselves: that is why the audience is able to hear the authors speaking. However, Sans Soleil is quite different. The narrator is a woman. She does not say her name; moreover, she simply reads the letter that supposedly she received. This is rather innovative since it hides the true identity of the author of the documentary, substituting it with a pleasant voice of a woman which over time becomes monotonous as there were really few variations of it as she reads the letters. Another point that should be mentioned about cinematography of the movie in question is its frequent use of still frame. To begin with, there are certain scenes which end with a frozen frame that catches a person in action. There is no doubt that such approach towards the video narration is quite interesting as to a certain extent it gives the audience a feeling that one watches raw material on the editors table and not a finished film. There are also frames that catch people looking into the camera. This is quite exciting as for a moment the characters of the film are looking at the audience. In a different scene the narration is facilitated which swapping of several still frames that substitute a normal image. There is a peculiar scene of the movie: the camera man walks among the corpses of animals which were sacrifices. The camera moves slowing from one pit to another, taking a long look at the corpses. The latter have absolutely no skin and bare have any muscles; they mostly resemble bones with

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