Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ulysses S. Grant Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ulysses S. Grant - Research Paper Example At the college, he established repute as a daring and proficient horseman (Rice 12). During the Mexican-American conflict, Grant served under Generals Taylor Zachary and Scott Winfield, participating in the battles ofPalo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterrey, and Veracruz. Grant was brevetted twice for gallantry: at Chapultepec and Molino Del Rey and. On 31st July, 1854, Grant quitted from the military (Crow 56). On 24th April, 1861, 10 days following the collapse of Fort-Sumter, Commander Grant landed in Springfield, Illinois, together with a syndicate of men Grant had nurtured (Rice 12). The governor sensed that a West-Point man might be positioned to worthier use and assigned him as the 21st Illinois-Infantry colonel (effective 17th June, 1861) (Lagueux 47). In 7THAugust, Grant was chosenas the brigadier-general-of-volunteers (Rice 12).Ulysses Grant presented the Union-Army its leading major conquest of the American-Civil-War throughapprehending Fort of Henry, Tennessee, in 6thFebr uary of1862, and afterward Fort of Donelson, in which Grant demanded the well-known expressions of "unconditional surrender" as well as apprehended a Confederate military (Crow 56). ... river fortress, Mississippi, during 1863 is deemed to be the extremely masterful within soldierly history; it divided the Coalition in 2, and it embodied the 2ndmajor Confederate military to yield to Grant (Rice 12).Grant Ulysses was the deliverer of Union-forces besieged at Chattanooga, Tennessee, firmly beating Bragg Braxton and opening away to Atlanta, and Confederacy’s core (Crow 56). His disposition to fight as well ascapacity to win fascinated President Lincoln, who selected him as lieutenant-general, a novel rank newlysanctioned by the AmericanAssembly with Grant on mind—in 2 March, 1864 (Bunting 101). On 12thMarch, Grant Ulysses became the general-in-chief of the entireUnited States’ army (Perret 34). In March of 1864, Grant positioned Major Genera Sherman v William in immediate control of all Western forces and relocated his head office to Virginia whereinGrant turned his mind to the long- hindered Union endeavor to terminate the Robert Lee’s army ; his secondary aim was to seize the Confederate’s capital, Richmond, Virginia (Eicher 219). Despite the substantial losses, Grant established a nine-month restriction of Lee's militarywithin the city(Bunting 101). Grant dispatched Sheridan Philip to the Valley of Shenandoah to beat the Jubal’s army early and terminate the farms furnishing Lee (Perret 34). Grant's persistent pressure decisively forced Robert Lee to abandon Richmond and yield at Appomattox Court-House on 9th April, 1865 (Crow 56). Grant presented generous terms, which did plentiful to lessen the tensions amid the forces and safeguard some Southern pride semblancethat would be required to resolve the opposing sides (Eicher 219). In a few months, the American Civil-War was commendably over, though minor engagements carried on until Smith

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Are rich nations violating the human rights of the world's poor If so, Essay

Are rich nations violating the human rights of the world's poor If so, how - Essay Example Affluent countries are constantly violating human rights of the world’s poor. Freeman (2006) states that although much effort has been put into place to ensure that violation of such rights is eradicated, several factors impede the implementation of measure against rights violations. Through such observations scholars have tried to deduce the link between the affluent and poor countries, as well as, the effects on human rights. Pogge (2000) contends that rich nations have been in the focal position in the violation of human rights and through actions carried out by these rich governments poor nations end up being subjected to abject poverty. Rich nations being part of the society at large have an obligation to assist poor countries in ensuring that all essential basic necessities are available to foster developed. Pogge (2002) argues that rich countries have immensely contributed to violation of human rights through implementation of coercive institutional orders. For instance, international trade agreements that enable their companies benefit through tariffs, quotas, anti-dumping duties, export credits and huge subsidies levied on poor nations. These nations in the pretext of offering support through donations and charity programs end up soliciting favors from poor governments leaders in government projects and such ingenuity thereafter leads to underprivileged and desperate, stunted, uneducated citizenry. The adverse effect of such actions is always felt through poverty and environmental degradation. This is usually as a result of over-consumption that impoverishes poor nations through the monopolization resources by rich countries. Additionally, rich couturiers enter into collaborative alliances with leaders from poor governments with the intent to gain access to their resources while pleasing and aiding the leadership stay of the native leader (Nagel, 2005). Corrupt and oppressive governments in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Social Roles And Their Effect On Perceived Intelligence Psychology Essay

Social Roles And Their Effect On Perceived Intelligence Psychology Essay Attribution has been defined as the process by which people make judgements about themselves and other people. Fritz Heider (1958), coined the phrase ‘attribution theory. Heider concluded that people make attributions about peoples behaviour based either on their internal disposition or on their external situations. In some cases the attributions may be correct but in others, one might be falling into an attribution ‘trap (Myers, 2007). According to Mezulis, Abramson, Hyde and Hankin (2004) people have a tendency to distort their own behaviour by attributing their successes to personal factors whilst attributing their failures to situational factors. This tendency is known as the Self-serving Bias. Another error in attribution, is the Fundamental Attribution Error. It is a term coined by Ross in 1977. Ross concluded that when making this error, one attributes too much to personality and too little to the influence of situations and circumstance. The Fundamental Attributio n Error has been well documented in various studies. In 1967, Jones and Harris had participants listen to pro and anti-Castro speeches. Participants were then asked to rate how pro-Castro the speech maker was. When told that the speech makers had been assigned their roles, participants still rated ‘pro-Castro speech makers as being pro-Castro and vice versa. In a study by Napolitan and Goethals (1979), an attractive woman was instructed to talk to participants. She either acted aloof and critical, or warm and friendly. Half of the people she spoke to were told that she had been given instructions on how to act. When the participants were asked to say whether the woman was a cold or a warm person, the extra information had no effect. Participants ignored the fact that the womans behaviour was situational and still attributed her behaviour to her personal disposition. In 1977, Ross, Amabile and Steinmetz conducted and experiment where people were randomly assigned roles of Questioner (Q), Contestant (C) and Observer (O). C then answered difficult general knowledge questions set by Q. The quiz was observed by O. All three roles then had to rate the general knowledge of C and Q. The outcome was that both Cs and Os rated the Qs as having better general knowledge than the Cs. The Qs rated themselves as having the same level of general knowledge as the Cs. Interestingly, the Os rated the Qs higher than the Cs even though they knew that the Qs set the questions. The Os repeatedly attributed the Qs knowing more of the answers to internal factors than the obvious situational factor. Subsequently, the 1977 Ross, Amabile and Steinmetz experiment has been replicated. This time, however, participants were asked to rate each others intelligence instead of general knowledge. The experiment also limits itself to the ratings of the Observers. The other ratings are available but have not been included here. The study aims to show that due to the Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE), the Observers will ignore the fact that the Questioners set the questions (situational factor) and will attribute a higher level of intelligence to the Questioner simply because of the perceived internal disposition. The experimental hypothesis leads to the directional prediction that the Observers will rate the Questioners as more intelligent than the Contestants. Method Researchers at Middlesex University set out to test the FAE by conducting an experiment with first year psychology students. In this section the details of the experiment are described. Participants Overall there were 191 PSY1012 students at Middlesex University who took part in a research methods class as part of a course requirement. Participants participated in groups of approximately 30 40. Materials Participants used a pen and paper to write down the ten general knowledge questions. Answers were written on the same page and marked by the Observer and Questioner using the same pen and paper. Participants used an additional piece of paper to rate the intelligence. Design The experiment had a one-tailed, repeated measures design. The independent variable was the role being rated and had two levels (Contestant and Questioner). The roles of the participants were decided voluntarily. The dependent variable was the ratings of intelligence which was measured on a scale of between 1 and 100. Participants were told that the average student studying psychology at Middlesex University has an intelligence of 50 on this particular scale. Procedure All instructions were standardized and given verbally by the Experimenter. Participants were told to arrange themselves into groups of three. They then had to assign themselves as either numbers one, two or three. They were then told that number ‘one was the Questioner and had to generate ten general knowledge questions. Number ‘two was to be the Contestant and answer the questions set by the Questioner. Number ‘three was to be the Observer and observe numbers ‘one and ‘two. Questioner took time to generate the questions, making sure that they kept secret from the Contestant. The questions were then presented to the Contestant who attempted to answer them. The Observer and Questioner then marked the answers and gave the Contestant a score out of ten. The Experimenter then instructed the participants to privately rate each of the roles intelligence. The papers were collected by the Experimenter. After this, the experiment ended. When the data was analysed , only the ratings of the Observer were taken into account. Results Table 1 indicates that when only the Observers ratings were analysed (N=67), the mean and standard deviations of the Observers ratings of Questioners intelligence were higher than that of Contestants. Table 1: The means, standard deviations, minimum and maximum scores for the Observers ratings of Intelligence for the Questioners and Contestants. Rating of Questioners Intelligence Rating of Contestants Intelligence Minimum 50 20 Maximum 100 95 Mean 71.37 57.93 Standard Deviation 14.36 19.34 N 67 67 A paired samples (repeated measures) t- test showed that the Observers rated the Questioners intelligence higher than that of the Contestants [t(66)= 4.98, p Discussion The results are consistent with the experimental hypothesis: The Observers rated the Questioners as having higher intelligence than the Contestants. This is consistent with previous research of attribution (Jones and Harris, 1967; Napolitan and Goethals, 1979), and more specifically; provides more evidence to the theory of the Fundamental Attribution Error (Ross, Amabile and Steinmetz, 1977). It indicates that even though people are given indisputable facts about the situation and how intelligence is presented, they choose to ignore it and still attribute intelligence to internal factors. There is no universally accepted explanation of the Fundamental Attribution Error but there are however, some hypotheses regarding the cause of it: Just-World hypothesis, Salience of the Actor and Lack of Effortful Adjustment. The Just-World Hypothesis was first theorized by Melvin Lerner (1977) and is the belief that people get what they deserve and deserve what they get. Salience of the Actor is explained by how people observe others. The person becomes the primary reference point and the situation is overlooked as just background (Smith and Miller, 1979). Lack of Effortful Adjustment involves the necessity for people to make deliberate and conscious efforts to take the situational factors into account. It is demonstrated by Gilbert (1989) when his study showed that people commit the FAE more regularly when they lacked motivation and energy. The data of this study could be influenced by the fact that participants knew each other. Even though the ratings were anonymous, peoples preconceived ideas of their colleagues intelligence could have influenced the data. In replication, it could be interesting to have a repeated measures design where participants are rated by strangers as well as colleagues, and the scores then compared. Publishing experiments like this one can lead to providing people with more ‘debiasing techniques. People can become more aware of the situational factors by perhaps asking themselves how they would react in the same situation or by making a deliberate attempt to look for unseen causes or factors. This could prove helpful in all areas of decision making, problem solving and interpersonal relationships. References Heider, F. (1958).The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations. New York: John Wiley Sons. Jones, E. E. Harris, V. A. (1967). ‘The attribution of attitudes.Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 3, p.1-24. Lerner, M. J. Miller, D. T. (1977). ‘Just world research and the attribution process: Looking back and ahead.Psychological Bulletin.85. p. 1030-1051. Mezulis, A. M., Abramson, L. Y., Hyde, J. S. Hankin, B.L. (2004). ‘Is there a universal positivity bias in attributions? A meta-analytic review of individual, developmental, and cultural differences in the self-serving attributional bias. Psychological Bulletin. 130. p. 738. Myers, D. G. (2007). Psychology. (8th ed). United States of America: Worth Publishers. Napolitan, D. A. Goethals, G. R. (1979). ‘The attribution of friendliness. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 15. p. 724. Ross, L. (1977). ‘The intuitive psychologist and his shortcomings: Distortions in the attribution process. Advances in experimental social psychology. 10. p.173-220. Ross, L. D., Amabile, T. M. Steinmetz, J. L. (1977). ‘Social Roles, Social Controls, and Biases in Social-Perception Processes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 35. (7). p. 485-494. Smith, E. R., Miller, F. D. (1979). ‘Salience and the cognitive appraisal in emotion.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 48. p. 813-838.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Iliad of Homer :: essays research papers

The competition for power and ultimate victory is continuous throughout the Iliad. Several characters including gods and men, attempt to assume authority and rule in order to fulfill personal endeavors and obtain self-gratification. However, it is often that by themselves, these strong figures cannot carry out the tasks that they wish to accomplish. Instead, they are quick to manipulate and beg in order to have the job completed by someone else. On both the human and immortal level, individuals constantly need the help of others in their struggle for supremacy. At first, discord arises due to the greed of Agamemnon, yet Achilleus prolongs the problem by holding on to his anger. He acts such as a tantrum-throwing child does when Pallus Athene disallows him from continuing his argument. To prove his point, he has to ask his mother to go to Zeus, and plead for him to help the Trojans so â€Å"that Atreus’ son wide-ruling Agamemnon may recognize his madness, that he did no honor to the best of the Achaians† (I, 411-412) Achilleus puts himself above the rest of the Achaians, but does not act 1 accordingly to the position he claims for himself. He forgets that as leader, the consequences of his actions, also affects those whom he holds in his charge, and close to his heart. Furthermore, instead of assuming full responsibility for his situation, Achilleus places part of the load on his mother Thetis, as well as Zeus. In drawing gods into the conflict, Achilleus further complicates the matter. Without the intervention of immortals, the victor of any contest is simply the stronger, more skilled, or perhaps luckier opponent. Once the gods are brought into the field of play, anything can be expected since they are even capable of changing the destinies of men. Hera is one of the first of the gods to exhibit her meddling ways and the capacity to turn the tables. When she plans to seduce Zeus into bed to occupy him so that Poseidon may help the Achaians, Hera enlists the help of Aphrodite and Sleep. Though the concept of helping mortals is good and selfless, there is also much evil in her actions. There are no bounds to how low Hera will stoop to acquire the services she needs to triumph over her husband. In order to gain their help, Hera tells lies to Aphrodite, and bribes Sleep with â€Å"gifts; a lovely throne, imperishable forever, of gold† (XIV, 238-239).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Changes in Packaging over the Years Essay

Packaging is generally crumpled, creased, folded, bundled, binned, shredded, sorted, sometimes recycled, and often cast aside. Whether the protective material is corrugate, Styrofoam peanuts, or sealed air, consumers are largely indifferent, only the product nestled inside matters. Consumers are not alone. Packaging rarely receives the attention demand planning, materials sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, distribution, and return logistics enjoy. For some manufacturers, however, product packaging has redeeming value. Ensuring customers receive what they order in mint condition and at minimal cost is the mark of a well- thought-out strategy. Packaging of fruits and vegetables is undertaken primarily to assemble the production in convenient units for marketing and distribution. In my opinion, fruits and vegetables should be taken care of the most when it comes to packaging. They are very rich source of minerals and vitamins and people depend on them for many benefits so packagin g can definitely affect it. The increased production of fruits and vegetables and other agricultural production will be fully realized only when they reach the consumer in good condition and at a reasonable price. The present packaging systems for fresh vegetables is unscientific. Uses of traditional forms of packages like bamboo baskets are still prevalent. Other types of packages generally used are wooden boxes and gunnysacks. Use of corrugated fiber board boxes is limited. Baskets besides being unhygienic also do not allow adequate aeration and convenience of easy handling and stocking. Better packaging should be of immediate value in reducing waste; for example edible packaging which can be eaten after using. Milk packaging has had a good recycling rate in the past, with glass bottles having the ability to be reused up to 40 times before needing to be recycled. The majority of milk being sold through supermarkets where a variety of packaging formats have been used including Tetra Pak cartons and low density polyethylene plastic milk containers but the latest method of packaging is using plastic bags. The co-operative launched eco-pouches aimed at environmentally conscious customers who were trying to reduce the plastic garbage. As the initial response was positive, the milk bag was awarded the ‘Best New Product’ at the 2008 Green Business Awards. However, due to poor demand for the milk bags a lot of milk remained  unsold, resulting in losses to the company so they stopped selling milk in eco pouches. While plastic milk cartons were declared to be recycled successfully, estimates suggested only one in four was recycled. It’s now purchased in 1L bags to fit a reusable plastic jug, which must be purchased separately. The jug can fit into any refrigerator door and can store 75 empty eco-packs. Once the bag is placed in the jug, a corner is snipped off with scissors and when the bag is empty it can be recycled. Plastic furniture gained a lot of popularity over the last few years. People realized that it has a lot of advantages over wooden furniture. They are tough and durable, anti corrosive, light weight, maintenance free, and they have a better pleasing appearance. However, Plastic doors are not suitable for entry doors as they are of very light weight and not weather proof as wooden or metal doors are. Cardboard is a heavy paper-like material. There is still not complete and uniform usage. Often the term â€Å"cardboard† is avoided because it does not define any particular material. The first corrugated cardboard box manufactured in the USA was in 1895. By the early 1900s, wooden crates and boxes were being replaced by corrugated paper shipping cartons and these are the well-known cardboard boxes we all know and use today. Plastic bags differ in many ways such that if a consumer only uses a conventional HDPE plastic bag just once (say to carry their groceries home before throwing the bag away), a paper bag would have to be reused 3 times, a heavy-duty plastic bag made from Low-Density Polyethylene would have to be used 4 times, a plastic â€Å"bag-for-life† made of non-woven Polypropylene would have to be used 11 times, and a cotton (or canvas) bag would need to be re-used 131 times. With that as a reference, a cotton/cloth canvas bag user does over twice the damage to the environment that a plastic bag using grocery shopper who throws away every plastic bag they get immediately after each shopping trip, as they will likely have to replace their more environmentally destructive bag at least once long before they reach 131 uses. When companies have conditions such as high volume shipments, worker safety, or ergonomic issues, they may be in good positions to take advantage of the savings by using Reusable Packaging. Reusable Packaging benefits include direct savings in packaging purchase and disposal as a result of repeated reuse. Higher initial purchase price translates into  a lower cost per trip through repeated reuse. Other economic benefits can come through productivity gains where reusable packaging better addresses the needs of the work process, such as through design for better parts presentation. Reusable packaging is also associated with better protection of parts and reduced damage. Pyramids made of (natural materials) wooden and fiberglass have been used to understand this energy. Square and octagonal shapes of pyramids with different sizes have been used in this study in an attempt to analyze preservation of milk kept under the pyramids for a period of 14 days. Some of the bacteria that grow in milk were counted by repeated sampling of milk covered by the pyramids and compared with a milk sample kept without a pyramid. Individual bacterial counts and total bacterial plate counts were obtained and the results tabulated. Pyramids made of natural materials have shown better energies than synthetic materials. Pyramids are a source of an unknown form of energy, which has unique capabilities of preservation. Nowadays, the difference between products are getting less and less so competition is getting more and more which forces companies to compete on something other than the product itself. That is when Packaging comes in the picture. If almost all of the products are the same, I, as a consumer, will pick my product depending on how it will benefit me later on. If a glass is reusable, it will most likely be the one I pick.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Theory And Practice Of Natural Managment Environmental Sciences Essay

In the latest Living Planet Report building and route edifice was noted as being one of the largest drivers of biodiversity loss due to human activities ( WWF, 2008 ) . As planetary concern about society ‘s impact on the environment rises, the force per unit area on administrations to work to a higher environmental criterion is increasing. With the of all time turning consciousness and significance of environmental impact the successful execution of an effectual Environmental Management System ( EMS ) is going more of import that of all time earlier. The principle for this thesis is that by successfully implementing an EMS administrations can better their environmental public presentation and hence aid cut down the negative effects human activity has on the environment. Integrating an EMS will non assist pull off the environment straight but alternatively dressed ores on put ining environmental ends into mundane processs with the purpose of cut downing an administrations negative impacts ( Sheldon, Yoxon, 2006, page 2 ) . Developing a civilization of attention through environmental preparation, consciousness and communicating may help administrations in bettering their environmental public presentation. BS EN ISO 14001 provides counsel for organisations â€Å" concerned with accomplishing and showing sound environmental public presentation † to develop systems to pull off their environmental duties. Developing an environmental policy without enfranchisement to criterions with the purpose of stand foring an EMS is possible ( Hyde and Reeve, 2006 ) . However, conformity to criterions provides a figure of benefits. For an administration to run into the demands of an ISO based EMS it must besides integrate â€Å" preparation, consciousness and competency † . As BS EN ISO 14001 provinces any individual who ‘s responsibilities may do important environmental harm must be able to conform to the preparation consciousness and competency demands as stated in the EMS. Almost all functions within the building industry will impact on the environment in one manner or another for illustration physical during the building stage or indirectly during the design procedure. Therefore it is critical that each member of an administration regardless of place or function must be cognizant and take duty for environmental direction. In bend this will besides relieve some of the force per unit areas placed upon specialized environmental sections leting them to work more expeditiously. Puting duty across all squad members in this mode can be achieved through preparation, consciousness and communicating strategies that are relevant to the day-to-day patterns of the administration. Through implementing consciousness based EMS ‘s that are compliant with certified criterions administrations may be able to develop a civilization of attention for environmental consciousness and commit to bettering their environmental public presentation. As stated in the authoritiess Strategy for sustainable building, 2008, page 1, â€Å" It is clear that we can non run into our declared environmental marks without dramatically cut downing the environmental impact of edifices and substructure building ; we have to alter the manner we design and build † Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to research the spread between EMS theory and pattern in building and develop schemes for bridging the spread utilizing preparation, consciousness and communicating strategies. Aims What constitutes an EMS? i.e. EMAS, ISO14000 etc. Determine the troubles that are faced when implementing an EMS in the building industry. Investigate the altering relationships between hierarchal degrees and environmental consciousness and how this relationship can impact an administrations environmental public presentation. Identify the normally used schemes for implementing the preparation, consciousness and competency elements of an EMS in building undertakings. Develop a typical preparation strategy that could be used to implement a successful EMS in a site based environment. Methodology Brief description of the methodological analysis used in the survey. Outline Explanation of and debut to the construction of the survey. Chapter 2 – Environmental Management Systems? ISO14001/ EMAS Importance of Environmental Management. Over the past few old ages both public and corporate attending has been drawn towards the negative impacts that humanity is holding on the planet. What is an EMS? Environmental Management Systems are used by administrations to supervise and command any negative impacts that they may hold on the environment. As with most direction systems the chief aim of an EMS is to let relevant information to be conveyed efficaciously through an administration. As Sheldon and Yoxon ( 2006 ) place this allows countries of concern to be assessed with the relevant information in topographic point before the issue can decline. An EMS will normally contains the organizational construction, duties, patterns, processs, procedures and resources for finding and implementing environmental policy ( Netherwood, 1996 ) . Through developing an EMS administrations will be able to place the most important impacts that are relevant to the company. This will in bend allow resources and processs to be focused and prioritised on the issues with the highest demand. The Defra place statement on EMS province that to lend to improved environmental public presentation, a good EMS should: Be implemented at a strategic degree and integrated into corporate programs, and policies. Top-level committedness is required so that senior direction understand their function in guaranting the success of an EMS. Identify the administration ‘s impacts on the environment and set clear aims and marks to better their direction of these facets every bit good as the administration ‘s overall environmental public presentation. Be designed to present and pull off conformity with environmental Torahs and ordinance on an on-going footing, and will rapidly incite disciplinary and preventive action in instances of legal con-compliance. Deliver good resource direction and fiscal benefits. Incorporate assured public presentation prosodies that demonstrate the above and that can be communicated in a crystalline mode in one-year studies. What are the differences between ISO14001, EMAS, etc. ? Administrations that implement standardised EMS ‘s are faced with the determination on which criterions to attest their EMS under. Presently the two most normally used criterions are the European Eco-management and Audit Scheme ( EMAS ) and the worldwide ISO 14001 series. As portion of the ISO household of criterions ISO 14001 is the most recognized and normally enforced system. Further to a recent amendment to EMAS, conformity to ISO 14001 is now required to go certified with EMAS. In add-on to ISO14001 conformity companies must besides carry through extra responsibilities merely ( e.g. cogent evidence of complete legal conformity with national environmental Torahs, and publication of an environmental statement ) to have proof as an EMAS participant every bit good. ( Freimann and Walther, 2002 ) Why implement EMAS? EMAS is a voluntary strategy, therefore the inquiry why would companies take to take part in the strategy must be asked. R. Starkey as edited by Welford ( 1998 ) notes that although full administrations can be in conformity with ISO 14001, merely sites where industrial activities are taking topographic point can be certified by EMAS Administration How does the administration of a company impact their EMS ‘s? Environmental Law and duties EMS jurisprudence developed out of EIA jurisprudence? ? ? ? A common ground for implementing an EMS is due to troubles in keeping environmental due diligence within the parametric quantities of the jurisprudence ( Sheldon, Yoxdon, 2006 ) . During the debut of EMSs they were chiefly centred around maintaining administrations working patterns within environmental statute law and legal conformity ( Watson and Emery, 2007 ) . Although the focal point of EMS may now be towards aˆÂ ¦ it sill remains and of import to place relevant statute law and maintain this at the bosom of the system. Defra ‘s place statement states that a good EMS should be â€Å" designed to present and pull off conformity with environmental Torahs and ordinance on an on-going footing, and will rapidly incite disciplinary and preventive action in instances of legal con-compliance † . It effects over eight different elements of ISO 14001 and even further in EMAS as companies can be â€Å" de-registered † for any breach relevant regulative demands ( Sheldon, Yoxdon, 2006, pg 78 ) . Typically, environmental legislative acts set up a regulative construction consisting of a system of licenses and licenses ( frequently described as â€Å" control and bid † , or â€Å" the right to foul † ) ( Yarnell, 1993 ) . Execution Planing Execution and operation Checking Management Review Environmental Policy Continual Improvement Based on the ISO 14001 theoretical account for execution. Training consciousness and competency How make you mensurate competency? What are the usual or recommended methods of preparation? How cognizant do squad members need to be? Communication Chapter 3 – Research Methodology Aims Qualitative/ quantitative benefits of each Questionnaires Case Study Justification of chosen method What type of research was used? Why was this attack chosen? What type of informations was gained by the research? Who was involved and how were participants selected? What equipment/ instruments were used? Where and when did the probe take topographic point? How was the probe conducted and why was it done this manner? How was data collected, analysed and presented? Phase 1 – Literature research This survey will reexamine the relevant literature on the affair of Environmental direction systems in peculiar looking at execution, care, consciousness, preparation and communicating. Initial research indicates that there is varied scope of literature available to reexamine. This includes legislative publications, text editions, and diaries such as â€Å" Using a communication-mapping theoretical account for environmental direction ( CMEM ) to better environmental public presentation in undertaking development procedures † ( Tam, Shen, Yau, Tam, 2007 ) . Research commence seeking in Athens, INFORMAWORLD, Engineering and Technology, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Management Plans Demystified, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems Phase 2 – Case Study and Exploratory Questionnaires The inquiries shall center around the countries mentioned in the aims supra. To have the highest possible degree of response, a multi-choice format will be used and the figure of inquiries will be limited to about 20 – 30. Open inquiries will non be used as they can bring forth a broad assortment of replies depending on the respondent ‘s reading of the inquiry. Furthermore, with potentially varied and drawn-out responses, the analyses of the consequences can be well more hard. Phase 3 – Writing up This phase involves composing up the content of the thesis and should cover the chapters proposed below. Chapter 4 – Case Study ( M80 ) Aims M80 Stepps to Haggs overview Reappraisal of Environmental Management Plan Review of other relevant certification Review of Roles and Duties Chapter 5 – Discussion of Finding Reappraisal of literature findings Case Study Does pattern fit literature reappraisal? Gap analysis How can the spread be filled? Chapter 6 – Decisions Recommendations

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

muslim fundamentalists essays

muslim fundamentalists essays Muslim Fundamentalists in Pakistan In the country of Pakistan, the major religion is that of the Muslim faith. But not all of 130 million citizens of Pakistan that are Muslim are considered fundamentalists, in fact, a small number of Muslims in Pakistan are fundamentalists. According to the Pakistan government, 77% are Sunni Muslim, 20% are Shia Muslim, 1.5% are Christian, and the remaining 1.5% are Ahmadi, Hindus, Zirkis, followers of other faiths, or people that follow no organized or recognized religion. But the Muslim faith was not that of the original Pakistani culture. Moreover, the Muslim fundamentalists who follow the Quran, tend to carry many conflicts between their literal beliefs, and what the Quran literally says. In second and third millennium B.C., India and Pakistan were the home of the Indus Valley civilization, a kingdom with wealth. Then, in about 1500 B.C., the entire civilization was obliterated by the Aryans. The constantly changing chain of command begins here. The Aryans were overtaken by the Persians, the Persians were overtaken by Alexander the Great, Alexander was followed by the Selucids, the Selucids were overtaken by the Mauryas, the Mauryas were overtaken by the Bactrians, the Bactrians were conquered by the Scythians, the Scythians were conquered by the Parthians, the Parthians were removed by the Kushans, the Kushans were overtaken by Muslim Arabs, the Arabs were conquered by the Turks, the Turks were eventually ousted by the British, the British were ousted by the Persians, the Persians were conquered by the Afghans, and the Afghans were ousted by the Sikhs. From this history of constantly changing rule from all over the world, any native culture that ever existed in Pa kistan has been long since wiped out. Pakistan's primary distinction for the last 3,500 years or so has been the frequency and viciousness of the wars fought over it. After the Sikhs claimed rule, the modern history of t...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Military Intervention in Afgha essays

Military Intervention in Afgha essays Justification for retaliation against acts of hatred proves to be very difficult to develop, maintain, and most of all prove. The September 11th assault that "was so sudden and so shocking that it seemed to obliterate many of the doubts that were the legacy of the country's tortured Vietnam experience. Polls show that up to 90% of Americans support a military response," wrote Mark Barabak. However was this support justified? Would a military response that would destroy yet another nation be moral? That would tear apart families, leave orphans, and spawn more hatred and vengeance? I believe that not only does the current military intervention in Afghanistan do all this but it creates other damages to nations other than Afghanistan nor does it account for the lives lost in the battle that is supposedly between right and evil, but rather in my eyes, evil and those who want to get back at evil. The pulverizing of a battred country just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of innocent civilians have already been killed by U.S. bombing in pursuit of Osama bin Laden. The Pentagon has confirmed numerous instances of "collateral damage," including a 2,000-pound bomb that struck a residential area near Kabul. The United States' perceived disregard for collateral damage may lead many to conclude that we are waging a war against Muslims writ large. In so doing, we are losing the battle for the hearts and minds of people who are necessary in the fight against terrorism. Our attacks on population centers are causing a huge refugee problem that neighboring countries can't handle. By October 12, 350,000 people had amassed in the northern Panjsher Gorge and over 150,000 had fled to the provinces of Tahor and Badakhshan.(Barabak) United Nations officials predict that 1.5 million will leave their homes, risking mass starvation in the brutal Afghan winter to escape the bombings. (Kurtz) This influx of Afghans into Pakist...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ancient Indian Mathematics

There are opposing views prevalent regarding the prominence of mathematics in ancient India. One, there are those who make excessive claims for the antiquity of Indian mathematics with the motive of emphasizing the uniqueness of Indian mathematical achievements. Whereas, the other conflicting views denies the existence of any ‘real’ Indian mathematics before A. D. 500. This view is the result of deeply entrenched Euro centrism that does not negotiate with the idea of independent developments in early Indian mathematics. Whereas mathematics grew out of philosophy in ancient Greece, it was an outcome of linguistic developments in India. In fact the algebraic character of ancient Indian mathematics is but a byproduct of the well-established linguistic tradition of representing numbers by words. ? Around 800 B. C. Vedic mathematics declined and Jains School of mathematics gradually which was to do notable work in the field. ? From about 200 B. C. was period of instability and fragmentation due to foreign invasions but also of useful cross cultural contacts. Probably the only piece of existing mathematical evidence from this period is the Bakhshali manuscript. ? This period ranges from 3rd to 12th centuries and is referred to as the classical period of Indian civilization. Mathematical activities reached a climax with the appearance of the famous quartet: Brahmagupta, Mahvika and Bhaskracharya. Indian work on astronomy and mathematics spread westward, reaching the Islamic world where it was absorbed, refined and augmented before being transmitted to Europe. This last period described as the medieval period of Indian history, saw the migration of astronomy and mathematics from the north to south. Particularly in present day state of Kerala, this was a period marked by remarkable studies of infinite series and mathematical analysis that predated similar works in Europe by about three hundred years. Harappan society was a highly organized society. There is every possibility that the town dwellers were skilled in mensuration and practical ar ithmetic of a bid similar to what was practiced in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Archaeological findings from that period provide the following indications of the numerate culture of that society: ? It shows uniformity of weights over such a wide area and time which is quite unusual in the history of metrology. Taking 27. 584 grams as a standard, representing 1, the other weights form a series of 0. 05, 0. 1, 0. 2, 0. 5, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500. Such standardization and durability is a strong indication of a numerate culture with wellestablished, centralized system of weights and measures. Scales and instruments for measuring length have also been discovered with remarkably high accuracy. A notable feature of Harappan culture was its extensive use of kiln-fired bricks and the advanced level of its brick-making technology. These bricks are exceptionally well baked and of excellent quality and may still be used over and over again provided some care is taken in removing them in the first place. Fifteen different sizes of Harappan bricks have been identif ied with standard ratio of the three dimensions as 4:2:1. It was thought until recently that from them evolved first the Bakhshali Number system and then the Gwalior system which is recognizably close to our present day number system. In both Bakshati and Gwalior number systems, ten symbols were used to represent 1 to 9 and zero. With them it became possible to express any number, irrespective of its largeness, by a decimal place value system. Long lists of number- names for powers of 10 are found in various early sources. In the Ramayana, it is reported that Rama had an army of 1010 +1014 +1020 +1024 +1030 +1034 +1040 +1044 +1052 +1057 +1062 +5 men. The very existence of names for powers of ten up to sixty two indicates that the Vedic Indians were quite at home with very large numbers. This is to be compared with ancient Greeks, who had no words for numbers above the myriad (104). The Jains who came after the Vedic Indians were particularly fascinated by even larger numbers which were intimately tied up with their philosophy of time and space. For units of measuring time, the Jains suggested following relationship: 1 purvis = 756 * 1011 days 1 shirsa prahelika = (8,400,000)28 purvis The last number contains 194 digits! The word numeral system was the logical outcome of proceeding by the multiples of 10. Such a system presupposes a scientifically based vocabulary of number names in which the principles of addition, subtraction and multiplication are used. Â  Due to oral mode of preserving and disseminating knowledge, the wordnumeral system persisted in India. As a replacement to this, a new concrete system was devised to help versification and memory, known as bhutasamkhya, wherein numbers were indicated by well-known objects or ideas.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Theory And Political Ideology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theory And Political Ideology - Assignment Example Theory, therefore, is our attempt to put order into our world. We try to analyze the myriad of things and events and organize them into different boxes called theories. But then again, we may have cleaned up the mess but we end up with a maze of piles of boxes. Despite proper labeling, it still is difficult to find what you need without first going through all of them. So, we organized them further into different categories which we also apply to other aspects of our lives. These are now what we wall ideologies. Ideology is not a study of ideas like biology is the study of life. Rather, ideology refers to the body of ideas itself. We may not be consciously aware of it but even the most politically neutral person is guided by a specific political ideology, in this case, that of political neutrality. This political neutrality could be based on the theory that it is much safer to not take sides at all. In other words, our ideologies are composed of and the result of the different theori es that we believe in. Our theories on politics, conspiracy or otherwise, determine the ideology that we adhere to. To possess an ideology is one thing but to pro-actively promote this ideology unto others earns the proponent the name Ideologue. These are the type of people do not just believe that their ideology is better than the others; they believe that it is the only true and good one. They are like zealous religious preachers who believe that theirs is the only true path to righteousness and the rest who do not go with them will perish.

Organisational Behaviour in Vidsoft Technologies Essay

Organisational Behaviour in Vidsoft Technologies - Essay Example However, certain revisions are to be made to overcome the problem situation through modification of the leadership styles and changing the ways of managing people. The recommendation for the same covers areas of appropriate leadership style for Vidsoft, the expected changes in the attributes of a leader, and some of behavioural changes in the leader. Steps that could have been taken by Babatunde for avoiding the situation Although it is crucial that Babatunde, being a leader empowers his people through the sharing of his power among team members and enhancing their feelings of personal effectiveness, too much reliance on the decision of team members must not be entertained. At present, Babatunde is seen to be representing the ‘country club’ leadership style according to the Managerial Grid presented by Blake and Mouton, and shown in the following figure. Figure 1: Managerial Grid by Blake and Mouton (Source: University of Kentucky, 2011, slide-19) According to the countr y club style of leadership he has been showing high concern for people, showing support and warmth towards followers, maintaining good relations with them, showing respect to their feelings and being sensitive to their needs. These attributes get reflected through the fact when he chose to allow Hsu to present his grievances against his decisions. Firstly this was allowance for Hsu to refuse to comply with his decisions. Hsu’s request to refuse to report to Li and further to be transported to a different support group which was supporting another product line shows an attempt to go against or flout the decisions that had been taken. His deepest for... Today, Vidsoft Technologies is an internet company which develops softwares for meeting the procurement needs of customers. The company has been known for its high quality of service delivered to customers through a culture of teamwork, cooperative efforts, collaboration and solidarity among organization employees. However, the researcher mentiones that along with the growth of the organization, it has been confronting with leadership issues which are summarized in the following section. Technical Support Manager at Vidsoft initially applied his management style having a micro-management attitude where all his efforts went towards performance and success of the entire team. However, as number of team members kept growing, this management style felt short and it was increasingly difficult collaborating efforts and attaining a common consensus of all individuals in the group. Secondly, Babatunde’s leadership style represents a participative form of management style in which he a llows participation of group members in the decision making process of the company. Thirdly, it is Babatunde’s decision to assign responsibilities for managing one of the product lines is not accepted by all, he does seem to be depicting a strong support over own decisions. Lastly, the researcher recommends that the leadership style of Babatunde could be focused on inspiring and motivating them to support the management’s business decisions rather than trying to gain the staffs’ approval for every decision making.

Balance Between Good for Society vs. Individual Freedom Essay

Balance Between Good for Society vs. Individual Freedom - Essay Example Annually, 17,047 cases of Hepatitis A are notified by Health Department About 3.9 million people in the United live with Hepatitis C (National Center of Health Statistics 2009). The responsible agency is a US Department of Health and Human services and Immunology and Virology Agencies. These agencies are responsible for control over the proliferation of diseases and preventive measures against the disease. Vaccination is the medical strategy for stimulating the immune system to protect against a specific disease agent prior to exposure. Provoking an immune response before a natural viral infection occurs acts to "blueprint" inimunologic memory so that cells involved in making the potential antiviral immune response are primed and held alert. When confronted with the fullstrength infectious virus, these primed cells react quickly and with greater intensity than unprimed cells, thus enhancing the host's ability to successfully combat and control the infection. he recent appearance of t he hemorrhagic fever viruses and HIV provide current challenges to a new generation of microbe hunters, as did smallpox, poliomyelitis, measles virus, and yellow fever to medical researchers in the past (Willis and Adelowo 1997). Evolving viruses, whose mutations cause changes in their genomes, combined with the intrusion of human populations in new agricultural and forest lands, generate new infectious agents and new infectious diseases. With the appropriate resources to do the work, talent to undertake the task, and continuing technologic advances, the viruses causing hemorrhagic fevers should be as controllable as smallpox, yellow fever, measles, and poliomyelitis viruses (Smith 2001). The community based organization can help to implement healthcare policies and strategies in urban and local settings. Any program designed for disease prevention must consider the stigma associated with the disease and with healthy life style. The World Health Organization intends to provide simpl e local access to those needing treatment by providing clinics in areas of high leprosy incidence. However, without prior investigation, they could not know that, because of the social stigma, utilization of clinical facilities was not a matter of simple distance or lack of transportation. Psychological research further indicates that efficacy expectations, essential to the sense of being in control and coping with a crisis. Early recommendations of experts in medicine, psychology, education, media, and the community emphasized that an effective prevention program must be designed to be positive--what activities can be enjoyed--and affirming of gay sexuality and employ community members in designing and implementing programs that help those targeted to acquire the new social skills (e.g., negotiating safe sex) required to arrange new behaviors (Smith 2001). In order to pacify the opponents, it is important to remind that an individual lives in a society and cannot be considered in i solation from society and its diseases. Safety concerns and problems can be eliminated by the state and joined actions. This coping mechanism involves developing a personal health schema, including compromising strategies.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

African Americans and the Executive Power Coursework

African Americans and the Executive Power - Coursework Example However, three times in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, presidents made executive orders which helped overturn the accepted institution of racism against black Americans. This paper will look at Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Executive Order 8802 of 1941, and Harry S. Truman's Executive Order 9981 of 1946, to show that these three situations were ones in which the executive power was used to create the less racist society of modern America. In 1863, the United States was in a horrific racial situation: it was the year of the New York Draft Riots, in which countless black people were murdered and lynched on the streets of the city; on a larger scale, the country was torn in a civil war over the fate of black slaves. It was into this context that President Lincoln introduced the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, an executive order which was more symbolic than effective: the Proclamation stated that slaves in the Confederate Sta tes of America were to be set free, an area over which Lincoln had no practical power at the time. Furthermore, it specifically did not suggest emancipation in the northern states which, ironically, were fighting in order to obtain the freedom of black slaves. Lincoln's aim was to starve the southern forces of free labor by popularizing this message to encourage black slaves to escape and be granted their freedom in the north – it was a purely tactical maneuver, and really not much more than a stepping stone on the way to true abolition, which was achieved with the Thirteenth Amendment at the end of 1865. Sadly, it was not until this point that the fifty thousand or so remaining slaves in the northern states were emancipated. Nonetheless, the Emancipation Proclamation remains an important milestone for black civil rights, and one of the few which was granted exclusively by the President through an executive order. In fact, the three Executive Orders discussed in this paper we re not really as powerful as they are often thought of – they were merely baby steps along a path to increased civil liberties and diminished discrimination.

Documentary Cinema, Choose one form 2 topics but I rather first one Essay

Documentary Cinema, Choose one form 2 topics but I rather first one - Essay Example While the majority of films are fictions based, the realm of the documentary films is of great important as well. This paper will analyze in details the film that is titled Sans Soleil and explore elements of its, proving that they make it an outstanding essay documentary. It is quite understandable that the voice of the narrator plays a significant role in the perception of the movie. In addition to that, as a rule, the directors often narrate their movies themselves: that is why the audience is able to hear the authors speaking. However, Sans Soleil is quite different. The narrator is a woman. She does not say her name; moreover, she simply reads the letter that supposedly she received. This is rather innovative since it hides the true identity of the author of the documentary, substituting it with a pleasant voice of a woman which over time becomes monotonous as there were really few variations of it as she reads the letters. Another point that should be mentioned about cinematography of the movie in question is its frequent use of still frame. To begin with, there are certain scenes which end with a frozen frame that catches a person in action. There is no doubt that such approach towards the video narration is quite interesting as to a certain extent it gives the audience a feeling that one watches raw material on the editors table and not a finished film. There are also frames that catch people looking into the camera. This is quite exciting as for a moment the characters of the film are looking at the audience. In a different scene the narration is facilitated which swapping of several still frames that substitute a normal image. There is a peculiar scene of the movie: the camera man walks among the corpses of animals which were sacrifices. The camera moves slowing from one pit to another, taking a long look at the corpses. The latter have absolutely no skin and bare have any muscles; they mostly resemble bones with

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Segregation in the 21st Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Segregation in the 21st Century - Essay Example The media perpetrates segregation or white supremacy at every turn.   Social stereotypes also prevail in the American media.   Even though these themes are subtle, they are strong.   Even in cartoon movies, these stereotypes exist.   For example, â€Å"Dumbo (1941), the crows that teach Dumbo how to fly â€Å"are too obviously Negro caricatures† (Avila 132).   The portrayal of black crows as crude, ignorant, and with a bad southern accent is ridiculous.   White people from the south can be crude and ignorant.   Most Southerners have southern accents, whether they are black, white, red, or yellow.   Disney movies seem to have bad representations of ethnic people.   Pocahontas and Mulan are feeble attempts to be politically correct, but manage to portray them very stereotypical.   Most of the heroes are white, Prince Charming, John Smith, and numerous others.   The media perpetrates segregation or white supremacy at every turn.   Social stereotypes also prevail in the American media.   Even though these themes are subtle, they are strong.   Even in cartoon movies, these stereotypes exist.   For example, â€Å"Dumbo (1941), the crows that teach Dumbo how to fly â€Å"are too obviously Negro caricatures† (Avila 132).   White people from the south can be crude and ignorant.   Most Southerners have southern accents, whether they are black, white, red, or yellow.   Disney movies seem to have bad representations of ethnic people.  

Documentary Cinema, Choose one form 2 topics but I rather first one Essay

Documentary Cinema, Choose one form 2 topics but I rather first one - Essay Example While the majority of films are fictions based, the realm of the documentary films is of great important as well. This paper will analyze in details the film that is titled Sans Soleil and explore elements of its, proving that they make it an outstanding essay documentary. It is quite understandable that the voice of the narrator plays a significant role in the perception of the movie. In addition to that, as a rule, the directors often narrate their movies themselves: that is why the audience is able to hear the authors speaking. However, Sans Soleil is quite different. The narrator is a woman. She does not say her name; moreover, she simply reads the letter that supposedly she received. This is rather innovative since it hides the true identity of the author of the documentary, substituting it with a pleasant voice of a woman which over time becomes monotonous as there were really few variations of it as she reads the letters. Another point that should be mentioned about cinematography of the movie in question is its frequent use of still frame. To begin with, there are certain scenes which end with a frozen frame that catches a person in action. There is no doubt that such approach towards the video narration is quite interesting as to a certain extent it gives the audience a feeling that one watches raw material on the editors table and not a finished film. There are also frames that catch people looking into the camera. This is quite exciting as for a moment the characters of the film are looking at the audience. In a different scene the narration is facilitated which swapping of several still frames that substitute a normal image. There is a peculiar scene of the movie: the camera man walks among the corpses of animals which were sacrifices. The camera moves slowing from one pit to another, taking a long look at the corpses. The latter have absolutely no skin and bare have any muscles; they mostly resemble bones with

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

RFID Technology Essay Example for Free

RFID Technology Essay RFID is a general term that is used to describe a system that transmits the identity data of an object wirelessly, using radio waves. This is sometimes referred to as contact-less technology and a typical RFID system is made up of three components: tags, readers and the host computer system. Tags An RFID tag is a tiny radio device, it’s also referred as a transponder. The tag comprises of a simple silicon microchip attached to a small flat aerial and mounted on a substrate. The whole device can then be encapsulated in different materials (such as plastic) dependent upon its intended usage. The finished tag can be attached to an object, typically an item, box or pallet and read remotely to ascertain its identity, position or state. Different types of RDIF Tags available are passive and active, used as per the RDIF data read / write requirement. Readers – The reader, sometimes called an interrogator or scanner, sends and receives RF data to and from the tag via antennas. A reader may have multiple antennas that are responsible for sending and receiving radio waves. Host Computer – The data acquired by the readers is then passed to a host computer, which may run specialist RFID software or middleware application to filter the data and route it to the correct IS application as processed useful information. RFID can help hospitals to locate equipment more quickly, logistics providers to improve the management of moveable assets, brings efficiencies in the supply chain by tracking goods from the point of manufacture through to the retail stores, used as EZ card for toll-collections, remote car door access. Use of RFID technology can increase business productivity and reduce associated costs. Because of such potential benefits of RFID, many of the world’s major retailers have adopted RFID tagging for pallets and cases shipped into their distribution centers. To ensure that companies benefit from the advantages RFID provides it is important to understand how to adopt this technology. RDIF technology is been accepted by many retail chains like Wal-Mart, Tesco, Metro etc. For the supply chain and operations it provides increased levels of product and asset visibility. Retailers are looking at using the RFID technology to automatically receive shipments, and have greater visibility into the merchandize in the warehouse and on the store shelves. Few of the current Issues Facing RFID Adoption * Globally interoperable standardization problem: RFID has been implemented in different ways by different manufacturers; global standards are still being worked on. Because no global standards defined for RFID adoption, interoperability between applications or devices are not possible, which can significantly accelerate the adoption of RFID technology. * Environment: Working environment is another issue of RFID Usage. The first one is water and liquids which can absorb the radio energy signals and thereby limit range or prevent tag read/write operations altogether. Metals are another material that generally reflect radio frequency signals and deflect the radio waves, thus altering their path. The temperature of the tagged products also affected the readings. Another issue in cased by dense reader or dense tag environment are collision which cause poor read rates. Dense reader environment consist of several readers places in one closed area resulting same tag been read by multiple readers resulting reader collision. A dense tag environment involves tags placed too closely to each other resulting in tag collision because of overlap in electromagnetic waves generated by the tags interferes when being interrogated by the reader. Right type of tag/reader has to be used depending on the product, tagging level, and operational environment. The right fit is in many cases obtained through tests, which will increase read rates and accuracy. * Data management: Many conversations about RFID inevitably end up by high volume of data and data management issues that are expected to arise from tagging individual products especially in retail store environment. Data management is a key issue for any organization deploying RFID technology, and the robust middleware is required to handle that much amount of data and route it to the right database is most concerned. The right architecture is required to filter and translate RFID into useful information. Also it’s important to identify what useful RFID data should be collected and stored, which will enable easier data management and processing.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Minimum Wage Debate in the US

Minimum Wage Debate in the US Minimum wage has been a subject of sustained and polarizing debate in the realm of U.S. labor economics right from the time the Department of Labor came into existence in 1913 (Neumark, Salas Wascher, 2014). The debate is older than the official federal minimum wage legislation, which came into force in 1938. Nonetheless, despite the massive attention this subject has elicited over this lengthy period, a consensus concerning the effect of minimum wage on employment is not in the vicinity. Experts have argued plausibly both in favor of and against minimum wage laws. Even so, this paper seeks to add its voice to this debate by arguing that minimum wage laws are necessary because they speed up economic recovery after recessions, safeguard workers from exploitation, and attempt to bridge the income inequality crisis the country is presently witnessing. Annotated Bibliography Meer, J., West, J. (2015). Effects of the minimum wage on employment dynamics. Journal of Human Resources. Retrieved from In this journal article, the authors advance a familiar argument in the field of labor economics. In their view, an increase in minimum wage or the existence of laws that specify a particular minimum wage serves to reduce employment growth over a lengthy period. Apparently, the reason most studies that seek to establish a relationship between minimum wage and employment dynamics fail to do so due to the methods they employ. An example is the use of state-specific time trends (p. 1). Thus, the authors utilize state panel administrative employment data to arrive at their finding. Reportedly, the finding is in agreement with a number of other empirical findings. This journal article does not seem to agree with the position outlined in the thesis statement. However, a source, it will help in the development of the argument by bringing in the perspective of those opposed to minimum wages or their increase. A comprehensive and fully developed argument is one that pays attention to the opposing sides argument. This article and others that make similar arguments will serve to create this balance. Neumark, D., Salas, J. I., Wascher, W. (2014). Revisiting the minimum wage-employment debate: Throwing out the baby with the bathwater? ILR Review, 67(3 suppl), 608-648. This article revisits the minimum wage employment debate, apparently after a period of the authors abstinence from this area of focus for some time. According to the article, the minimum wage debate is age old, but in recent times, emergent literature is increasingly propagating the idea that new research in this area is inaccurate. The reason behind such claims is that the new research employs methods that critics say do not consider spatial heterogeneity. The article explores the research designs more closely and concludes that indeed, there is a cause for concern with these new researches. The research designs they employ are faulty. Through such designs, the studies indicate that minimum wage has not interfered with employment noticeably. In contrast, a link exists between minimum wages and employment rates. This article achieves its purpose by considering a number of other studies in the minimum wage debate. The studies it examines are those that claim to find no significant relationship between minimum wage and employment and those that criticize such studies. Insofar as the minimum wage debate is concerned, this article is informative due to fact that it gives the debate a historical context that many article fail to capture. It explains when and how the debate started as well as how it has developed over the years. Despite not taking a clear stand on whether minimum is bad or good, it is a great resource for the upcoming paper due to its informative nature. Orrenius, P. M., Zavodny, M. (2008). The effect of minimum wages on immigrants employment and earnings. ILR Review, 61(4), 544-563. In this article, the relationship between minimum wage laws are examined with the intent of determining the nature of impact such laws have on minimum wage earners. In contrast to natives, immigrants, who constitute the majority of minimum wage earners, are likely to be impacted more by minimum wage laws. Immigrants are often less educated, possess limited English language skills, and less connected socially. Although no direct indications of adverse effects of minimum wage laws on employment among minimum wage earners were established, there is a possibility that such laws influenced the settlement decisions of some immigrants. Trends seem to indicate that they preferred states in which the minimum wage bar was not high. In this article, the minimum wage debate is approached from a new perspective, the perspective of the minimum wage earner. Evidence suggests that although many may assume that minimum wage earners would rush to high minimum wage states, they actually tend to prefer low minimum wage states. The rationale behind this kind of disharmony is that when the minimum wage is high, employers tend to seek experience or higher levels of education. Based on what the article was investigating, immigrants will obviously shy away from such states. Thus, since this whole debate is about minimum wage, the article does well to approach it from the perspective of those groups that fall in the category of minimum wage earners. In other words, it is possible to determine how they feel about the whole issue. This unique approach will help diversify the argument. Pollin, R., Wicks-Lim, J. (2016). A $15 US minimum wage: How the fast-food industry could adjust without shedding jobs. Journal of Economic Issues, 50(3), 716-744. In this article, the possibility of adjusting from the current minimum wage to a minimum wage of $15 per hour without reducing the labor force is examined with fast food restaurants in mind. Apparently, fast food restaurants are the leading employers of minimum wage earners and those who earn below minimum wage. Thus, if they can adjust from the current minimum wage of $7.25 to $15 hourly, then any other employer can. This scenario is projected over a 4-year period with a two-step increment. It is achievable through turnover reductions, trend increases in sales growth, and modest annual price increases over the four-year period (p. 717). And fast food restaurants will not need to lower their profits to make the adjustment. The article is also unique in its approach to the debate. It does not preoccupy itself with whether the increase of minimum wage is bad or good. Instead, it seeks to demonstrate through a breakdown of relevant figures that it is possible for fast food restaurants to accommodate a minimum wage of $15 per hour without eating into their profits. The authors make an effort to be quite thorough in their analysis as well as breakdowns. The practical nature in which tackle this issue proves beyond doubt that a higher minimum wage is possible in America and stands in support of the argument of this project. Highly paid employees are prone to working hard and more effectively. Watanabe, M. (2013). Minimum wage, public investment, economic growth. Theoretical Economics Letters, 3(05), 288. In this article, the author argues in favor of minimum wage increases citing poverty reduction, and reasonable living as its direct outcomes. Despite there being divergent views on the same, through a two-period overlapping generation model, (p. 288) the author endeavors to show that the negativities associated with minimum wage increment can be countered with increased productivity among workers. Moreover, the study establishes that minimum wage increases have a positive on economic growth. This article also argues in favor of the position that is outlined in the thesis statement. This means it will in the development of a strong argument to show that despite the widespread claims that minimum wage increment has negative effects, there is actually a lot of good it can help achieve. The level of language and engagement with the technical economics in this article demonstrates the authors expertise in this field. As a consequence, this article gives an authoritative argument backed by facts and adequate examples. This will serve as a very important resource during the actual writing of the final paper. References Meer, J., West, J. (2015). Effects of the minimum wage on employment dynamics. Journal of Human Resources. Retrieved from Neumark, D., Salas, J. I., Wascher, W. (2014). Revisiting the minimum wage-employment debate: Throwing out the baby with the bathwater? ILR Review, 67(3 suppl), 608-648. Orrenius, P. M., Zavodny, M. (2008). The effect of minimum wages on immigrants employment and earnings. ILR Review, 61(4), 544-563. Pollin, R., Wicks-Lim, J. (2016). A $15 US minimum wage: How the fast-food industry could adjust without shedding jobs. Journal of Economic Issues, 50(3), 716-744. Watanabe, M. (2013). Minimum wage, public investment, economic growth. Theoretical Economics Letters, 3(05), 288.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Microsoft Giving :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Microsoft Corporation obviously sets a high standard for employee volunteerism and community service. For the past twenty years, the company has placed a higher importance on philanthropy than any other technology based corporation(â€Å"Microsoft Giving Overview†,2000). But why does Microsoft devote so much effort when they are not required to? Why do they spend literally hundreds of millions of dollars every year on donations, volunteer programs, and disaster relief?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The simplest answer to this question is that it’s a good business strategy(â€Å"Questions About Workplace Volunteerism†,2000). Every major corporation in the country makes some kind of contribution to the community. Even most small businesses will sponsor a little league team or make a small donation to the local PTA. One part of a good business strategy is creating a reputation as a fair and humble corporation. Microsoft’s reputation as a fair and respectful operation is far from unblemished. After recent books, articles, and films, it is common knowledge to many people that Microsoft was founded on the ideas and inventions of other people. Microsoft’s reputation suffered especially during its anti-trust difficulties from 1998-1999. During this time, the US government accused the corporation of trying to form a monopoly and attempting to force competition out of the market. Public opinion holds heavy weight in our judicial system. It has been suggested that this is the reason Microsoft has expanded there giving programs since 1998. The simple truth is that the average person doesn’t care if Microsoft forms a monopoly, because it doesn’t affect their lives. However, if a flood is about to wipe out the town a person lives in or if a person can’t find a job because they lack technological training and Microsoft helps them, then that person along with the thousands of others who’s lives are a little bit better because of Microsoft may take an interest in how the government is treating the company. Perhaps then some of the people Microsoft have helped or someone who has heard about the good work done by the corporation see a Microsoft sponsored commercial where Bill Gates explains the rule of free enterprise and everyone’s right to make an honest dollar. These people, now convinced of the raw deal Microsoft is getting, may write a letter to their congressman or fill out a petition in support of Microsoft. Although the government was successful against Microsoft in the first few anti-trust lawsuits, the decisions were soon after overturned.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Oregon Geography Essay -- essays research papers

The Oregon Coast runs from north to south along the Pacific Ocean. Oregon is three-hundred and sixty miles long and two-hundred and sixty miles wide, making it the ninth largest state. Oregon is bordered by California and Nevada on the south, Washington on the north, Idaho on the west and of course, the Pacific Ocean. Oregon's nickname is the Beaver State because in the nineteenth century beaver skins were very valuable to trappers in the area. The longitude in Oregon is 116 45W to 124 30W. The Latitude is 42N to 46 15N. The Highest point in Oregon is Mount Hood reaching 11,239 feet high. The lowest point in the state of Oregon is the Pacific Ocean. According to the average elevation in Oregon is 3,300 feet above sea level. Oregon is known for its lumber about one tenth of the United States lumber is in Oregon. Oregon is also the leading lumber provider in the United States. Oregon has 3.3 billion dollars lumber and wood industry. It also has an 859 million dollar paper and allied manufacturing industry. The two leading manufactured items in the state of Oregon are lumber and paper. The states natural beauty and grade A quality of life has helped it economic and population growth. The past twenty years, Oregon has reduced its heavy involvement in natural resources and has increased its industrial diversity. According to Oregon has a very high unemployment rate but is slowly decreasing as the states per capita income increases. The major products in Oregon are lumber, water, and fish. Symbols are very important to a state. Oregon has three major symbols. The first symbol is the hazelnut. Oregon grows ninety-nine percent of the entire United States commerc... ... by going to the Columbia River Maritime Museum home to one of the nations finest display of model artifacts. Then we would head down to the Astoria Bridge. The Bridge is over four mile long and it is a nice walk. There is also many activities for families. Families could go fishing, cycling, scuba diving, windsurfing, and surfing. There are limitless options on the Oregon Coast. Lastly, after being on the coast for four days we would head back into Eugene where we would fly out of, and attend a Oregon Ducks Football game. Eugene holds a cultural center for Oregon. Before the football game we would walk down to Saturday morning market, and experience new things. In conclusion with this tour, Oregon holds some of the countries most valuable resources. The geographers on this tour will be more knowledgeable about the Oregon Coast, and its surroundings.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Imperialism of United States in the Philippines

After its defeat in the Spanish-American War of 1898, Spain ceded its longstanding colony of the Philippines to the United States in the Treaty of Paris. On February 4, 1899, just two days before the U.S. Senate ratified the treaty, fighting broke out between American forces and Filipino nationalists led by Emilio Aguinaldo who sought independence rather than a change in colonial rulers.The ensuing Philippine-American War lasted three years and resulted in the death of over 4,200 American and over 20,000 Filipino combatants. As many as 200,000 Filipino civilians died from violence, famine, and disease. The decision by U.S. policymakers to annex the Philippines was not without domestic controversy. Americans who advocated annexation evinced a variety of motivations: desire for commercial opportunities in Asia, concern that the Filipinos were incapable of self-rule, and fear that if the United States did not take control of the islands, another power (such as Germany or Japan) might do so.Meanwhile, American opposition to U.S. colonial rule of the Philippines came in many forms, ranging from those who thought it morally wrong for the United States to be engaged in colonialism, to those who feared that annexation might eventually permit the non-white Filipinos to have a role in American national government. Others were wholly unconcerned about the moral or racial implications of imperialism and sought only to oppose the policies of President William McKinley’s administration.After the Spanish-American War, while the American public and politicians debated the annexation question, Filipino revolutionaries under Aguinaldo seized control of most of the Philippines’ main island of Luzon and proclaimed the establishment of the independent Philippine Republic. When it became clear that U.S. forces were intent on imposing American colonial control over the islands, the early clashes between the two sides in 1899 swelled into an all-out war. Americans tended to refer to the ensuing conflict as an â€Å"insurrection† rather than acknowledge the Filipinos’ contention that they were fighting to ward off a foreign invader.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Frugal Life

Thesis: Three extreme types of penny-pinchers are the frequent couponer, the frugal shopper, and the freegan. Do you have more the month left after all your money is gone? For most people shopping is an ingrained and unavoidable way of life. We work, we spend, we trash and we buy again. It's a cycle that seems all but impossible avoid in today’s society. TS: For decades, shoppers clipped coupons from newspaper circulars and magazines Using coupons is one way that the frequent couponer tries to get more for their money.PS:There are many online sites that you can go to and clip and print free coupons. Coupon. com is just one of the many online companies that offer free printable coupons and digital mobile coupons. SSCouponing gradually declined as grocers started loyalty-card programs that compensated repeat shoppers with discounts. But during the recession in the past few years, the number of coupons redeemed rose 27%, from 2. 6 billion to 3. 3 billion in 2008, says Inmar Inc. , a coupon-processing agency. SS:It was estimated by Coupons. om that approximately half of the redeemed coupons in the United States originated from weekly supplements in Sunday papers. PS: Sunday newspapers have traditionally been the dominant distribution method for coupons. It was estimated by Coupons. com that approximately half of the redeemed coupons in the United States originated from weekly supplements in Sunday papers. SS:It is always a good idea to match coupons with a stores sale prices. This way the couponers can get more bang for their buck. SS:The frequent couponers also will go to the stores that double the manufacture coupon up to 50 cents off.Another good practice is to use one coupon multiple times usually up to four items on one coupon. SSSherri Jones of Calvert City, Ky. , says,† I try not to abuse these discounts. Recently, Ms. Jones, 36, took 50-cent coupons for meat seasonings to a number of supermarkets that were doubling the coupons' value. Because t he seasonings were already on sale for $1 each, Ms. Jones got them for nothing. CS:This practice will save a little money at stores. A little here and a little there will add up to big savings over time. TS: Frugal living is a little more intense way of watching where dollars go.PS:A frugal person will never pay retail prices on absolutely anything. They will always shop around for best deals either by looking through clearance bins or by looking through thrift shops. SS:Living a frugal life calls for a lifestyle change and a conscious awareness of spending and saving. Living on a tight budget and listening for â€Å"Old Abe to scream† is not for the faint of heart. SS: Extreme Couponing is a thrilling sport that combines savvy shopping skills with couponing in an attempt to buy to most groceries as possible while spending as little money as possible.PS:Another way the frugal person will save their hard earned money is to make and use homemade products like laundry detergent, and household cleaners. It does require certain know-how to make items for the home. SS:Frugal living is a great way to be easier on the environment by reusing as many things as possible. If someone needed a vase for flowers, which their kids picked from the neighbor’s yard, they could use a glass jar for the vase. SS:It does require certain know-how to make items for the home CS:it hobby time consumingTS:The word freegan is a combination of â€Å"free† — as in it is free because you found it in a dumpster — and â€Å"vegan,† Vegans are people who avoid products from animal sources or products tested on animals. Not all freegans are strict vegetarians. Although some would rather eat found meat; dairy and eggs than let good food and items go to waste. The freegan attempts to spend as little money as possible by scavenging instead of buying products. Freegans rescue furniture, clothes, household items and even food thrown away by others. PS:They rep air what they already own.By fixing what is broken, freegans reduce the need to buy another product. Freegans often darn their socks, or only buy secondhand clothing to reduce the consumerism. They also find brand new clothing behind stores in the trashcans. SS:They often barter their services for an item that they want or need. Just like Jim, who needed a tune-up on his lawnmower and asked the local lawnmower repair shop owner if he could trade mowing the shops grass for a month in return for his tune-up. The shop owner agreed. No money ever exchanged hands. SS:Freegans believe that housing is a right, not a privilege.They are mad that people freeze to death out on the streets while landlords, banks, and cities keep buildings boarded up and vacant. Freegan squatters are people who live in abandoned buildings, rent-free. PS: Freegans or â€Å"dumpster divers† believe that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. SS:Most freegans practice urban foraging in larg e cities, such as New York City, with its density and wealth, where there is good food and it is plentiful. Freegans look for food in trash bins behind large restaurants, grocery stores, even schools.Dedicated freegans usually establish a routine by going to a set of dumpsters they visit weekly or even daily. Many learn when trash goes out and when dumpsters are unattended SS:Stores throw out large amounts of visually damaged goods like bruised fruit or crushed boxes. They also discard products that have reached their sell-by-date. Although sell-by dates provide a general idea of when food will go bad, they are not safety dates. Trash from grocery stores and restaurants is also different from that of the average residential trash because stores usually bag discarded food separately from other trash.CS: Although freeganism likely has roots in the hobo subculture from the Great Depression. It's not too surprising that people would eventually find a way to forage as a way of personal s ubsistence. Freeganism has spread around the world. They sometimes eat community dinners also known as potlucks made from scavenged food. As long as there is edible food and usable products in the trash, people will be there to pick up the waste. Extreme Couponing is an extreme sport that combines savvy shopping skills with couponing in an attempt to save as much money as possible while accumulating the most groceries.The grocery coupons you need are out there, you just need to connect with people who have them. Here are some Extreme Couponing techniques to help you save money: 1. Clip ALL the coupons from your weekly circulars and Sunday newspaper. It’s always a good policy to clip all coupons because an item may go on sale in the future and you can trade your coupons with other couponers for the ones you do want. 2. Study the weekly supermarket sales and compare this to your coupon inventory. 3. Know your supermarket’s coupon policy: a. Are expired coupons accepted? b. Can you use 10 coupons for 10 of the same items? . Can you stack a manufacturer coupon with a store coupon? d. Are there double and triple coupon days? e. Does your store accept competitor’s coupons? f. How are coupon overages applied to the final bill? These are the most frequently used techniques for reducing a grocery bill significantly and how some shoppers are even entitled to cash! Since supermarket policies are constantly changing, call before you shop and ask the questions above. Make sure you write down the name of the person at the supermarket who gave you the information. 4. The local Sunday newspaper is an excellent source for grocery coupons.Do not pay for electronic coupons. There are many websites that you can clip and print coupons for free. Janis an extreme couponer says that she uses a 3 ring binder with baseball card protector pockets and made dividers for approximately 35 categories. She buys multiple papers and hits up the local recycle bins to look fo r more circulars. She also exchanges with her mother and daughter. Janis said, â€Å"We all don’t use the same products. Therefore, it works well for us to trade coupons. † For decades, shoppers clipped coupons from newspaper circulars, magazines and coupon booklets.Couponing gradually declined as grocers launched loyalty-card programs that rewarded repeat shoppers with discounts. But amid the recession in the past few years, the number of coupons redeemed rose 27%, to 3. 3 billion from 2. 6 billion in 2008, says Inmar Inc. , a coupon-processing agent. The year-over-year percentage increase was the largest since Inmar started tracking the statistic more than 20 years ago. Fueling the increase isn't the general populace but heavy coupon users, people who redeem 104 or more coupons over six months, according to an August report by The Nielsen Co.These users tend to be females under the age of 54 with college degrees and household incomes above $70,000, Nielsen says. Hotc ouponworld. com, which has seen its membership grow to 200,000 from 80,000 in the past year, targets couponers who think â€Å"there's an economic value in buying all your peanut butter for the year in one week in September,† says site founder Julie Parrish, 35, of West Linn, Ore. Two years ago, she bought 50 18-ounce jars of Skippy creamy peanut butter for 17 cents each; last September, she paid 35 cents each. At retail, they cost around $3. 9. Ms. Smith, the Charleston woman whose closet doubles as a pantry, says she disliked grocery shopping until she got laid off last year from her clerical job and, to economize, turned to couponing Web sites. On two recent trips to her local supermarket, she says she paid $5 for $78 worth of items, and $2 for $40 worth of goods. Some supermarkets recently told analysts that shoppers with an eye for discounts were executing these coupons deals with surgical precision. Carrie Petersen of Columbia, Md. , says she tries not to abuse discount s. Recently, Ms.Petersen, 38, took 50-cent coupons for meat seasonings to a number of supermarkets that were doubling the coupons' value. Because the seasonings were already on sale for $1 each, Ms. Petersen got them for nothing. Extreme Couponing is an extreme sport that combines savvy shopping skills with couponing in an attempt to save as much money as possible while accumulating the most groceries. The grocery coupons you need are out there, you just need to connect with people who have them. Here are some Extreme Couponing techniques to help you save money: 5.Clip ALL the coupons from your weekly circulars and Sunday newspaper. It’s always a good policy to clip all coupons because an item may go on sale in the future and you can trade your coupons with other couponers for the ones you do want. 6. Study the weekly supermarket sales and compare this to your coupon inventory. 7. Know your supermarket’s coupon policy: g. Are expired coupons accepted? h. Can you use 10 coupons for 10 of the same items? i. Can you stack a manufacturer coupon with a store coupon? j. Are there double and triple coupon days? . Does your store accept competitor’s coupons? l. How are coupon overages applied to the final bill? These are the most frequently used techniques for reducing a grocery bill significantly and how some shoppers are even entitled to cash! Since supermarket policies are constantly changing, call before you shop and ask the questions above. Make sure you write down the name of the person at the supermarket who gave you the information. 8. The local Sunday newspaper is an excellent source for grocery coupons. Do not pay for electronic coupons.There are many websites that you can clip and print coupons for free. Janis an extreme couponer says that she uses a 3 ring binder with baseball card protector pockets and made dividers for approximately 35 categories. She buys multiple papers and hits up the local recycle bins to look for more circulars. She also exchanges with her mother and daughter. We all don’t use the same products. For decades, shoppers clipped coupons from newspaper circulars, magazines and coupon booklets. Couponing gradually declined as grocers launched loyalty-card programs that rewarded repeat shoppers with discounts.But amid the recession in the past few years, the number of coupons redeemed rose 27%, to 3. 3 billion from 2. 6 billion in 2008, says Inmar Inc. , a coupon-processing agent. The year-over-year percentage increase was the largest since Inmar started tracking the statistic more than 20 years ago. Fueling the increase isn't the general populace but heavy coupon users, people who redeem 104 or more coupons over six months, according to an August report by The Nielsen Co. These users tend to be females under the age of 54 with college degrees and household incomes above $70,000, Nielsen says. Hotcouponworld. om, which has seen its membership grow to 200,000 from 80,000 in the past year, t argets couponers who think â€Å"there's an economic value in buying all your peanut butter for the year in one week in September,† says site founder Julie Parrish, 35, of West Linn, Ore. Two years ago, she bought 50 18-ounce jars of Skippy creamy peanut butter for 17 cents each; last September, she paid 35 cents each. At retail, they cost around $3. 59. Ms. Smith, the Charleston woman whose closet doubles as a pantry, says she disliked grocery shopping until she got laid off last year from her clerical job and, to economize, turned to couponing Web sites.On two recent trips to her local supermarket, she says she paid $5 for $78 worth of items, and $2 for $40 worth of goods. Some supermarkets recently told analysts that shoppers with an eye for discounts were executing these coupons deals with surgical precision. Carrie Petersen of Columbia, Md. , says she tries not to abuse discounts. Recently, Ms. Petersen, 38, took 50-cent coupons for meat seasonings to a number of superma rkets that were doubling the coupons' value. Because the seasonings were already on sale for $1 each, Ms. Petersen got them for nothing.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign: a Reflection Essay

Jennifer Millard’s Performing beauty: Dove’s â€Å"Real Beauty† campaign was made to conduct a study on the results of the company Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign onto it’s targeted audience, women. Throughout the study Jennifer Millard explains that Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign is a series of advertisements in magazines and commercials that promotes and empowers beauty for every women, no matter what other media outlets says. Millard uses focus groups and interviews with sixteen Canadian women to investigate the opinions; with ages ranging from fifteen to fifty-nine years old. Within the study, I found two main themes within Millard’s article, which will be discussed and reflected on how it contributed to her study. The first theme I found quite interesting in Millard’s study was how she was connecting her definition of beauty towards a symbolic interactionist perspective by explaining how it is the culture and society that determines which features would be deemed as beautiful or not. I somewhat disagree with Millard’s connection because while the media outlets to society what they should and should not be, most of the content was created by the outlets themselves with their opinions of what society should be. While the society may have certain opinions on these topics, the media elaborates on the opinions society has and makes them more negative and demanding then they actually are. For example, in Millard’s study she shows the participants an advertisement from the Dove Real Beauty Campaign of a naked, overweight, middle-aged African American woman. After seeing many of the other Real Beauty Campaigns, this was the first advertisement that got a negative reaction from one of the focus groups. â€Å"Sasha: Sometimes I’m like ew, I wonder why is this even in here? Like all these Dove ones, there is old wrinkly lady. Her legs are like this and you can’t see any- thing and it’s like why is she in here? Monica: She’s naked and like oh no!† (Millard 164) From these reactions that came from the youngest aged focus group, it reflects the negative attitude regarding nudity the media has created against overweight, non-white women. The general, society-made opinion on nudity is that it is an act to be seen not in the public eye, but in a private setting. The media has taken that opinion of nudity and subjected it to making it more tolerable in public (in certain films or advertisements) but only if the people who are naked are deemed beautiful enough. An argument that can be made against my point is that only one of the focus groups in Jennifer Millard’s study had a negative reaction to the advertisement. The focus group that reacted negatively to the advertisement also happened to be the focus group with the youngest women in the group. Their reaction can be explained because they have not had a long experience with â€Å"out of the norm† advertisements and are used to seeing advertisements with a more negative message within them, compared to the other and more experienced focus groups. Also, the women in the other aged focus groups can better relate to the model’s â€Å"imperfections† compared to the younger focus group. Millard explained in her article that specific advertisement was Dove’s boldest one in the study, and expected that it will cause stronger reactions compared to the other campaign advertisements the focus groups would be seeing. Another theme that I found when reading Jennifer Millard’s article was the idea of privilege that the media creates within the desire of beauty. By being classified as beautiful in society, the media creates a shift in power that only beautiful people can have and reinforces the power within majority groups in the society. â€Å"In Western culture, those with beautiful bodies and faces â€Å"get more† out of life because beauty is highly valued (Black 2004). Beautiful people are viewed as more intelligent, powerful, healthy, and of higher class than the masses of regular Joes and Janes (Plous and Neptune 1997).† (Millard 150). To make sure this idea of privilege gets reinforced, and not every person can be classified with is privilege, the media has created extreme expectations that are very difficult for a woman to fully achieve every requirement. These expectations range from being tall and having a slender body, long, shiny hair, clear skin, and trendy, expens ive clothes. These expectations creates a form of privilege within society, that the small percentage of people who have all those qualities are classified correctly will all the benefits and advantages. I definitely agree with Millard’s on this issue because everyone who is not classified as beautiful has seen this form of privilege in the media. By looking at a tabloid magazine or by watching television, the privilege of beautiful is often flashed into the eyes of the less worthy, non-beautiful majority. Award shows is a obvious example of this privilege. Here famous and usually beautiful people gather and attend a extravagant night of drinking and celebration, and accompanied by thousands of dollars worth of jewellery and clothing on their bodies. Throughout their campaign, Dove promotes equality of beauty between all groups of women, no matter their size, shape or age. With their campaign message, they are attempting to eliminate the privilege that only women classified as beautiful deserve. As positive as this campaign is, at the end of the day Dove is a company trying to make a profit. Instead of the usual kind of advertising with the message that their product will make the woman who buys it more beautiful; they state that every women is already beautiful, and they can embrace their beauty by buying a dove related product. From advertising with this point of view, Dove is assuming that no women knows their true beauty, and will never see it unless they buy their products. When looking at that viewpoint Dove is stating, it can be seen as offending towards any woman who is already confident in their beauty and self-image. In conclusion, while the Dove Real Beauty Campaign is certainly not the only solution towards changing the view of beauty in the media, Jennifer Millard’s study discusses the many pros and cons the campaign offers towards women in a fair matter. Millard also presents the themes of a symbolic interactionist perspective and of privilege that help benefits the Real Beauty Campaign which in time, creates more positive content within the media. Reference List Millard, Jennifer. â€Å"Dove’s â€Å"Real Beauty† Campaign.† University of California Press (2009): n. pag. JSTOR. University of California Press. Web. 5 Feb. 2013.