Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Feminization of Poverty Essay
Investigating Feminization of neediness was very intriguing. I read all the various suppositions on the web, the understudy gathering and articles about it also. As I feel firmly about the subject I had just shaped my supposition about it. Originating from a not very good up and coming when I was youthful I generally broke down women’s activities and the reasons why most ladies my mom and the individuals she connected with were under the destitution line. I thought of three quite certain reasons, one connection with men, two low confidence, and three uneducated. My mom really had every one of the three. I have till the day I can recollect have consistently watched ladies and their associations with men and contemplated what I figured they fouled up and what I figured they did well. I would see my mother give in rapidly to my dad despite the fact that she was directly in the circumstance and that caused cracks in the connections that will eventually endanger funds and consequen tly cause numerous different issues in the family unit from planning and find various assets to suit the requirements of what wasn’t being met at home. Despite the fact that that implied my mom going to houses of worship for a noble cause for garments, shoes, presents for occasions and lease help just to keep two or three additional bucks in my father’s pocket. Besides, Self-regard it appears to be somewhat boisterous yet it unquestionably fits in to the condition looking at the situation objectively. Confidence halted my mom and others she connected with to go out and look for better chances. Not having flawless teeth, reasonable garments, or being prepared a specific way can bring down your confidence to where you question yourself in to having the option to get that position which prompts making due with what you have and consequently you don't better your life or can show your youngsters that you can accomplish whatever your heart wants throughout everyday life. Finally Education, my mom and others she knew didn't have adequate or any instruction to progress into any new positions or enable them to go after a superior job else were. Not knowing or not progressing in a profession can leave you stuck in an impasse work for quite a long time and at last leave you pondering where have all the years passed by? Albeit many may understand this and feel that I am putting ladies to blame for everything including feminization of Poverty. I can just assistance yet consider the to be as an individual who has experienced it and has put forth the attempts to change that cycle I can just communicate my conclusion and hold up forâ someone to demonstrate me in any case.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The futile Pursuit of Happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The purposeless Pursuit of Happiness - Essay Example There is a great deal of truth in the article. Gertner states that we, ...will adjust to a pleasurable occasion and make it the background of our lives. We see this regularly through our own lives. Youngsters will rapidly dispose of and disregard the Christmas toys that they had restlessly held up a month to get. The toy doesn't have the life expectancy or the vitality of the expectation for it. Individuals purchase another vehicle and before long find that the originality has worn off. Similarly as the sparkle erodes from the Christmas toys, so does the pain from a deplorable misfortune. Its simple to figure you will never get a new line of work in the same class as the one that simply laid you off, however individuals are quite often enjoyably astounded by lifes fortunes. The misstep we frequently make in making a decision about the satisfaction that we will get from a given choice or occasion is commonly because of our misconception of where joy lies. We might be miserable because of our constrained salary. The idea of winning the lottery appears as though it would make us elated too much. In any case, by intelligent assessment, it would more then likely just outcome in more noteworthy misery. On the off chance that an unobtrusive measure of cash made us despondent, a huge whole may make us hopeless. What number of the things that make us troubled could be changed with just cash? The bills might be paid, however the fundamental explanations behind our despondency would continue. The creator calls attention to that we can prepare our feelings and in doing so settle on progressively discerning choices. A chilling period to forestall purchasers regret might be discerning, yet it evacuates the fervor of making another buy. Examining our potential for satisfaction dependent on research center method of reasoning removes our affinity for hazard. It lessens our mental fortitude and limits our advancement and innovation. While it might be a reasonable way to deal with deciding, it blocks the human instinct of feeling. Assessing our anticipated bliss and putting together our choices with respect to a determined result might be progressively commonsense
Saturday, August 1, 2020
The Great Glass Pumpkin Patch
The Great Glass Pumpkin Patch The Great Glass Pumpkin Patch is one of my favorite events at MIT. It is annual, put on by the MIT Glass Lab (the people who make the pumpkins) in a tent on the Kresge oval. There is a one-evening showcase followed by a one-day sale the next day, to benefit the lab and its glassblowing courses. I missed it this year, but I pulled up my photos from last year to share with you. The pumpkin patch is handblown gradually over the course of the year in the Infinite Corridor basement, each pumpkin created by a team of about six artists. In this blog post, I want to convey to you the enormity, variety, and grace of an ocean of more than 2000 glass pumpkins. I love pumpkins. I love glass art. The Great Glass Pumpkin Patch is like a free outdoor museum exhibit where the people making the art are the people who surround me every day. Its one of my favorite things ever. For more, watch the below MITnews video on the glass lab, featuring glass instruments, a few of my friends from Random Hall, and the creation of an actual glass pumpkin. You should also look at Andrea Silverman 05s photo essay on the Glass Lab. Bonus! While digging through old photos for this blog post, I found completely unrelated footage from one morning last October of me playing with Ragnar, my friend Allison C. 14s cat, on Loop, with a spider named Spooky that Cory gave me for Halloween the year before (so two years ago). This October, I bought several pumpkins I keep vowing to bake, a few from Shaws, our grocery store, including one that is pleasantly pixelated, and one, which is actually a squash, from Russos, the local produce market that sells food in Stata every Tuesday right after my 6.005 office hours. On DÃa de Muertos Luisa B. 16 and Irina O. 15 scouted six leftover pumpkins (Why do we keep doing this to ourselves? says Luisa, referencing the almost bushel of apples they picked over Columbus day weekend.) from the pumpkin carving event organized by Mujeres Latinas, a Latino Cultural Center member organization (BMFs Rosa M. 16 is the president), and theyve been slowly baking spiced pumpkin seeds in the days since.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Social Class and Education - 1745 Words
Democracy is both an idea and a way of conducting a political government. In EDL 204 we looked at democracy as an idea. Democracy as it relates to education refers to the need to teach children how to be active and knowledgeable members in our democratic society. This preparation will lead them to live life in a way that promotes the good of the public. In an essay by John Dewey he discusses whether education is a public or private matter. Because the goal of democracy is education is to prepare students for society, I believe it is a public matter. By developing a school system that promotes democracy we will send our future leaders into the world with the capability of upholding the values of a true democratic society that promotes a greater good for all citizens. Many factors affect the success of a school system. The economic background and social class of the community and individual students is one of the largest factors to consider when attempting to structure a successful education plan. Social class is defined by the online Oxford Dictionary as â€Å"a division of a society based on social and economic status.†This division can often effect more than a child’s home life. We know that social class and success in school are often positively correlated to one another. This correlation is a major downfall in America’s education system because it allows for children who come from families in poverty to fall behind and be less successful than children of higherShow MoreRelatedSocial Class in Education935 Words  | 4 Pagessuffered a large gap in education due to socio-economic class. Generations ago, social class was a major part of society that separated the different classes especially in education. The wealth y attended school and only a percentage of the poor received little education as most left school to help provide for the family. These days, although the Australian government is funding schools giving the opportunity of an education to all families regardless of their class, social class is still an intimidatingRead MoreImpact Of Social Class On Education1457 Words  | 6 PagesThe impact of social class differences on education choices in higher education The challenges that students from a working class background face in higher education. This research will be designed to identify the inequalities that still exist in higher education and the barriers that broaden and reinforce social class divide. It will examine the origins of the barriers and also investigate what could be done to minimise these in order to promote social equality. Bourdieu’s theory of cultural reproductionRead MoreSocial Class Education Comparison1400 Words  | 6 PagesSocial Class Education Comparison Have you ever heard of people saying no matter where you come from as long as you put in the effort to succeed in your education? Well that saying isn’t completely accurate because not everyone in the world is born in the position or ready for higher learning. Certain people are born in a position where they are properly prepared and financially set to pursue their education. Your education is the key to your wealthy lifestyle. Kids all have their own type of opinionRead MoreThe Relationship Of Education And Social Class1234 Words  | 5 PagesThe Relationship of education and social class Education is a vital aspect of society and future the understanding of how education should be implemented is a serious question. Social Class plays a major role in the implementation of education which affects the outcome of the students. Social class affects education in various ways each author brings good information to be able to understand the relationship between the two. Social class may affect the values of education at each school For exampleRead MoreSocial Class, Education, And Race1416 Words  | 6 Pagesknown as the most publicized criminal trial in American history. This case brought about many social issues in the country and the American Criminal Justice system. Of the many social topics raised by the case, a few that are most imperative are social class, education, and race. Although the trial is well known to many, there are a few background factors to run over to understand the importance the social issues played in the case. O.J. Simpson was the ultimate football player. He played halfbackRead MoreThe Impact of social class on education1908 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿ THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL CLASS ON EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND ATTAINMENT IN UK. Sociologists have argued that social class differences in educational attainment can be explained in many terms but not necessarily in mutual exclusive kinds of theories such as; IQ theory; social class differences in material circumstances; sub-cultural attitudes and values and the school labelling processes just to mention a few. Sociologists tend to be critical of the IQ theory for various reasons including the factorsRead MoreSocial Class Impact On Class And Social Institutions Of Family, Education And Religion957 Words  | 4 Pagesinteraction between social class and social institutions of family, education and religion. I assignment consisted of six questions, how social class impacts family, how family impacts social class; how social class impacts education, how education impacts social class; how social class impacts religion, and how religion impacts social class. All of the above mentioned questions are interlinked, which means that it effects and determines the other questions answer. Family, education and religion playsRead MoreA Brief Note On Social Class And Education847 Words  | 4 PagesSocial Class and Education In OECD report, the richest 10 % of the USA earn 28% of overall income pie, and the top 10% of people own 84.5% of the country’s wealth. The bottom 50% of people own 0.8% of the country’s wealth. Therefore, new people have most of the wealth of country. Recently, even thought children born in poor family, 90% of them will earn more money than their parents. However, they can not be in top 10 % in the USA. At the same time, there are higher unemployment rate and a big gapRead MoreThe Relationship Between Social Class and Education890 Words  | 4 PagesThe Relationship Between Social Class and Education Schooling affects both education and income since most of the better paying jobs require a college degree or other advanced study. Jobs that offer lower income and social prestige demand less schooling. Most people consider schooling crucial to personal success. Just as students are treated differently within schools, schools themselves differ in fundamental ways. In the United States, for education purposes, we believe that the more affluentRead More Social Class and Quality of Education Essay1197 Words  | 5 PagesOne of the concerns regarding social justice in education is that there are marginalised groups within society do not having equal access to the learning and life opportunities that they deserve. The concept of social justice stresses that every individual within society is entitled to have equal rights and opportunities. This means that an individual from a lower class background deserves the same opportunities as a person from a wealthier background. It is about becoming aware and recognising that
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Sociology And Mental Illness - 2832 Words
Sara Sims Sociology of Health and Health Care Research Paper April 26, 2015 Sociology and the Stigmatization of Mental Illness Although it isn’t something that people in society thinks about daily, mental illness is stigmatized all the time. People may think that they don’t think badly about those with mental illness, but those people may be stigmatizing mental illness more than they realize. Recently, there has been a home put into a neighborhood of mine for people with mental illness. Since the neighborhood found out about this home, there were voiced concerns, many with inaccurate information about those with mental illness. Many of the concerns were that these people would would be dangerous, or loud, or that it would make the neighborhood look bad having â€Å"crazy people†living on the block. Another example is a time I was in Drum Corps. Drum Corps is like professional marching band, and my corps went to church every Sunday. One particular Sunday, we went to a beautiful church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. As the service went o n, people in my corps noticed a man sitting near us who was talking, rather loudly, to himself about God. It was almost as if he felt he was talking to God. Many of the people around me were making fun of the man, and speaking bad about him, not only during the church service, but throughout the day. They were stigmatizing his mental illness. People fear and shun what they do not know, and therefore stigmatize. What is mental illnessShow MoreRelatedThe Sociology Of Health And Mental Illness3181 Words  | 13 PagesDissertation Supervisor: Professor Paul Higgs Submitted: Tuesday, 13 January 2015 A Tale of Two Asylums: Reviewing the context and influences of two theorists, Michel Foucault and Erving Goffman, on the sociology of health and mental illness. Word count: 3,132 John Goulder! 1 ï ¿ ¼Introduction: Mental Health as Disparate Social Object Antipsychiatry was as much a cultural phenomenon as an academic or institutional one. Whilst the work of Laing (1960) and Szasz (1960) can be rooted in the Fruedo-MarxistRead MoreThe Psychology Of Mental Illness1410 Words  | 6 Pagesusually goes hand in hand with mental illness, as people who are considered mentally ill will then be considered as deviant, since it is contemplated not a norm. Sociologists have paid close attention to different concepts of mental illness and how it fits in with sociology. The focus on women and the idea of mental illness is a fairly new phenomenon and a lot of research and models have taken place by sociologists throughout time to find out why women experience mental illness more than men. Social causesRead MoreThomas J. Dodd Research Study Sample746 Words  | 3 PagesThis study is centered around undergraduate and graduate students between the ages of 18 and 25 years old. The undergraduate and graduate students from psychology and sociology c lasses at the University of Connecticut are recruited to participate in a self-report survey. A random sample of 240 students will be acquired, 120 males and 120 females. These students will range from different races, ethnicities, and socio-economic background. The participants will first be clustered based on gender, thenRead MoreSociology and Healthcare Essays1578 Words  | 7 PagesSociology and Healthcare Health-care is a sociological institution within the American Culture. Health-care has many different aspects that pertain to patients, care givers and governmental approach to supply healthcare to all citizens. Sociology is the â€Å"scientific study of social behavior and human groups.†(Schaefer, 2009) Sociology plays a large role in how Americans look at our health-care systems and approach health and illness in one’s own life. Health-care has many different definitionsRead MoreThe Psychology Of Mental Illness1177 Words  | 5 PagesWhen it comes to mental illness, I have the point of view of someone who is training to be a health care professional. During my past clinical experience as a nursing student at the Alberta Hospital Edmonton, I was immersed in an environment filled with individuals who were acutely mentally ill, and two of these individuals were my patients. While â€Å"The Sociology of Mental Illness†is an excellent source of information about mental illness in the context of sociology, based on my experience at AlbertaRead MoreSocial Stigma And Self Stigma Of Mental Illness1385 Words  | 6 Pagesfor the upcoming integrative project. This topic is the social stigma that is behind seeking-mental help among individuals in North America. Stigmatization can have a severe effect on the likelihood that an individual will seek services. The topic was selected due to an interest as to h ow public stigma and self-stigma may play a role or how they may interfere with one’s decision-making of seeking mental health services. Even though the consequences of not seeking the counselling may be severe. ItRead MoreHealth And Illness Are Terms That Are Commonly Interlinked,1264 Words  | 6 Pages Health and illness are terms that are commonly interlinked, and offer a topic of discussion that involves different definitions and viewpoints. For example, health can refer to physical wellness or mental stability. On the other hand, it can be used in non-medical terms, including referring to the health of a country’s economy, or the health of the education system (Kirby, 1997). Due to the varying uses and complexity of the two words, multiple definitions have been established and criticizedRead MoreAnalysis Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest 1734 Words  | 7 Pageswhich our modern healthcare system has improved and grown in the last five decades. This inc ludes the following areas of healthcare: the need for a healthcare reform, the lack of healthy doctor-patient relationships, and the murky definition of mental illness. Healthcare Reform Throughout history there has been a veil of mystery surrounding what truly goes on inside of asylums. This idea is illustrated clearly in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest on multiple occasions. One example can be seen whenRead MoreOverview of Suicide Essay1141 Words  | 5 Pagesthose have some sort of mental disorder or substance abuse problem and 15% of those who took their own life were clinically depressed and at one point did reach out for help. As the third leading cause in north america Suicide is most common between 15-24 year old. however any age people can result in taking their own life The three social sciences Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology all take part in theories and complexes of suicide. Starting off with sociology. Sociology is the scientific studyRead MoreMedicine And Social Control, Barbara And John Ehrenreich918 Words  | 4 Pagesthe 1960s, consumers demonstrated their concerns for obtaining more social services, especially within the health system. In the essay Medicine and Social Control, Barbara and John Ehrenreich draws attention to the sociology of health and medicine. Ehrenreich claims that more mental health services there are, the more social control are given to these agencies (1, Ehrenreich, CC 2015 p. 185). Thus, individuals are giving up their autonomy and decisions to a higher authority. In this case, Ehrenreich
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Rapid Expansion Of Urban Spaces Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
string(54) " the Forest Survey of India \( FSI \) covered 116 sq\." Rapid enlargement of urban infinites has caused force per unit area on delicate ecosystem of the metropolis. Uneven growing of assorted parts has made migration a serious challenge. Increasing population growing of metropolitan has created concretization of island metropolis and glade of critical flowered resources. We will write a custom essay sample on The Rapid Expansion Of Urban Spaces Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thousands of people from assorted parts of the state come to Mumbai every month. Around 43 per cent of metropolis ‘s population considered to be migratory. The prevailing migrators are of rural beginning, coming from assorted parts of the state, with two-third to three-quarterss of all migrators belonging to this class. There are migrators from other states as good but these have been less than one per cent since 1981 ( Census ; 2001 ) . This tendency migration is a Destruction of Rhizophora mangle that was the home ground of several species of fishes have combined to go forth the metropolis ‘s fisher common people of around 50,075 ( Marine Fisheries Census ; 2005 ) panting for endurance. Among assorted grounds economic factors have been the major cause for migration to Mumbai. About 69 per cent of males stated that employment was the chief motivation behind their motion. The information show that the rate of migrators in hunt for better employment has been higher in the late ninetiess. Social grounds such as matrimony and attach toing the household constituted about 90 per cent of female migration. ( Singh 2001 ) Population force per unit area is continuously increasing in the coastal country, so because of this spread outing population Rhizophora mangle is confronting important force per unit area of devastation. Mangroves have been cleared and degraded on an dismaying graduated table during the past four decennaries ( Valiela et al. , 2001 ; Wilkie and Fortuna, 2003 ; Duke et al. , 2007 ) , yet they remain an of import beginning of wood and nutrient merchandises and supply vitally of import environmental services for coastal communities throughout the Torrid Zones ( Balmford et al. , 2002 ) . Climate and Rainfall Kolis of Mumbai Kolis are the traditional fishing community of Mumbai and are the original dwellers of the island metropolis. Fishing is still the chief beginning of their support. The interesting fact is that, Mumbai is derived from the Koli word, ‘Mumba ‘ , which means goddess of H2O. Several records reveal that Kolis have been found in Mumbai from early times. Dr. Gerson district attorney Cunha in the book ‘Origin of Mumbai ‘ describes old Mumbai as ‘the desolate islet of the Mumbai Koli fishermen. The Kolis are reported to hold occupied the land in A.D. 1138 The Koli community has several subcastes, the outstanding 1s are Koli kolis, Mangela Kolis, Mahadeo kolis, Suryawanshi kolis, Vaity kolis, Koli Christians. Kolis are divided into two occupational categories ; Dolkars Vatsad Dolkars are normally rich compared to Vatsad among Kolis. Dolkars pattern angling on big graduated table Vatsads, who are a hapless category of fishermen normally in the employ of the richer members of the community. Work force are largely engaged in angling while, adult females take attention of lodging activities and merchandising of fish in the local market. Lot of their day-to-day activities depend on the fishing season and tidal motion. Koli is the chief linguistic communication spoken by the community, Marathi is another often used linguistic communication among Kolis. What are Mangroves? Mangroves are a group of trees, thenars, bushs, vines and ferns that portion a common ability to populate in boggy saline dirt. These workss have developed unusual versions to the alone environmental conditions in which they are found. Mangrove can be typically refered to an single species. Footings such as Rhizophora mangle ecosystem, mangrove forest, mangrove community and mangrove swamp are used interchangeably to depict the full Rhizophora mangle community ( Smithsonian Inst. 1996 ) . There are around 80 species of Rhizophora mangles found throughout the universe ( Saenger et al. , 1983 ) . Largely they occur within tropical and semitropical coastal countries subjected to tidal impact. Tidal country can be interpreted to intend a shoreline inundated by the extremes of tides, or it can more widely mention to river-bank communities where tides cause some fluctuation in H2O degree but no alteration in salt ( Tomlinson, 1986 ) . There are chiefly two types of Rhizophora mangle ; sole and non-exclusive. Exclusive Rhizophora mangles are the largest group, consisting about 60 species ( Saenger et al. , 1983 ) . These Rhizophora mangles are confined to intertidal countries. Rest 20 species are referred as non-exclusive. Non-exclusive Rhizophora mangles differ from the sole Rhizophora mangle in the sense that these turn sooner in drier and more tellurian countries. Features of Mangrove Mangrove Distribution Mangrove woods comprise up to 50 species of woody halophytes restricted to sheltered saline tidal countries, and one time occupied around 75 % of tropical seashores and recesss ( Ellison 1997 ) . Mangroves are the plats of tropical sheltered shores. Mangroves are found throughout the universe between latitudes 32A °N and 38A °S. The upper and lower bounds of this scope are determined by temperature ( Chapman, 1976 ; Tomlinson, 1986 ) . Mangrove Distribution in India Harmonizing to the Government of India, the entire country of the Rhizophora mangles in India was about at 6,740 sq. Km. this covered about 7 % of the universe mangroves ( Krishnamurthy, 1987 ) and about 8 % of the Indian coastline ( Untawale, 1987 ) . But recent 2005 information of Survey of India, Dehradun shows an extent of 4,445 sq. kilometer. mangrove countries in India. Out of the entire land area, 57 % of the Rhizophora mangles are found on the East Coast, 23 % on the West seashore and the staying 20 % on Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Mangrove Distribution in Maharashtra Maharashtra has 720 kilometer long coastline, which has assorted characteristic characteristics of beaches and bouldery drops flanked by estuaries and spots of Rhizophora mangles. Maharashtra coastal zone extends between the latitude 15 52’N and 20 10’N and longitude 72 10’E and 73 10’E and falls under five territories of Thane, Mumbai, Sindhudurg, Raigad, Ratnagiri. The Rhizophora mangles of Maharashtra are the most diverse among the West seashore and harmonizing to the Forest Survey of India ( FSI ) covered 116 sq. You read "The Rapid Expansion Of Urban Spaces Environmental Sciences Essay" in category "Essay examples" kilometer in 2003. The country under Rhizophora mangles in Maharashtra was 200 sq. kilometer. in 1972-75, which reduced to 108 sq. kilometer. in 1997. Mangroves of Mumbai Mangrove along the seashore of Mumbai ever faced the challenge of assorted anthropogenetic activities over the decennary. In early 1890ss around 37 sq.km. Of Rhizophora mangle existed in Mumbai, largely in Versova, Gorai, Mahim brook, Thane and Ghodbunder. Some sparsely covered spots of Rhizophora mangle are besides found in Bandra, Colaba, Mahul and Malabar Hill. The most commonly happening species of Rhizophora mangle in Mumbai is Avicennia marina, this covers the about 60 per cent of species diverseness. The characteristic characteristic of Avicennia marina makes it tolerable for high salt country. This species besides tolerates pollution including heavy metals such as lead, quicksilver and Cr. Table: Some of the commonly found Rhizophora mangles in Mumbai ( Beginning: Kulkarni, 2007 ) Temperature Mangroves largely occur in countries where the mean temperature of the coldest month is higher than 20A °C and the seasonal scope does non transcend 10A °C. Lower temperature and hoar besides limits the growing and distribution of Rhizophora mangle ( Tomlinson, 1986 ) . Rain Coastal countries which receive ample sum of rainfall, heavy overflow and ooze into the intertidal zone from the backwoods are most suited for Rhizophora mangle. These countries receive extended deposit which provides immense measure of foods, which in bend are favorable for Rhizophora mangle growing ( Tomlinson, 1986 ) . Importance of Mangrove Multifaceted importance of Rhizophora mangle has been realised in recent times but its ecological importance is known to scientific community since 100s of old ages. Importance of Rhizophora mangle can be loosely classified under following caputs: Ecological Importance Mangroves are considered to be the most productive natural ecosystem throughout the universe. Mangrove ecosystem comprise of legion assortments of vegetations and zoologies. Mangrove forest consist of 70 taxonomically diverse tree, bush, thenar and fern species under 27 genera, 20 households, and nine orders that portion a suite of convergent versions to saline, anoxic home grounds ( e.g. Tomlinson, 1986 ; Stewart A ; Popp, 1987 ; Ball, 1988 ; Duke et Al, 1998 ) . Economic Importance Mangroves provide a huge scope of wood and non-wood wood merchandises which are of good economic value such as lumber, fuel wood, medical specialty, thatch, honey, fresh fish, wood coal etc. Legislative Framework for Conservation and Management of Mangrove in India The Indian Forest Act, 1927: Supply protection to â€Å" flora and fauna †. The Indian Forest Act has been applied to the Rhizophora mangle wood of the Sundarbans, which have been declared as a â€Å" Reserved Area †. The Wildlife ( Protection ) Act, 1972: Supply protection to â€Å" flora and fauna †. Although they do non specifically mention Rhizophora mangles, these Acts of the Apostless can besides use to the preservation of the vegetations and zoologies of Rhizophora mangle ecosystem. The Forest Conservation Act, 1980: States that â€Å" No forest country shall be diverted for any non-forestry intent †without anterior blessing of the Government of India. This act has proved really effectual in forestalling recreation of Rhizophora mangle forest country for non-forestry intent. Coast Guard Act, 1978: The concern for â€Å" Marine and Coastal Waterss †has led to formation of a particular force, The act stipulate that Cost guard should battle oil pollution beyond 5 kilometers in the sea and execute surveillance responsibility against international dumping of oil or waste by ship/tanker. The Environmental ( Protection ) Act, 1986: It has a important function in the Conservation and Management of Rhizophora mangle ecosystem. It declares a â€Å" Coastal Regulation Zone †notified in 1991, in which industrial and other activities such as discharge of untreated H2O and wastewaters, dumping of waste and land renewal are restricted in order to protect the Coastal environment. Condition of Mangrove in Coastal Regulation Zone It is stipulated that in instance of Rhizophora mangle with an country of 1000 sq.m or more, would be classified as CRZ with a buffer zone of at least 50 thousand Mangrove is a tropical tree growth, along the seashore and requires saline H2O for its growing. Expert in this field say that Rhizophora mangle are really of import along the seashore for breakage of tides and it is valuable resources holding several direct utilizations. Hence proper the protection of Rhizophora mangle is really of import. ( Chauhan, 2004 ) Prohibited Activities in the Coastal Regulation Zone ( a ) Setting of new industries and enlargement of bing industries ( except those straight related to waterfront or straight necessitating for shore installations ) . ( B ) Industry, managing, storage or disposal of risky substances. ( degree Celsius ) Puting up and enlargement of fish treating units including warehousing ( vitamin D ) Discharge of untreated wastes and wastewaters from industries, metropoliss and other human colonies. ( vitamin E ) Dumping of metropoliss and town wastes for the intent of land filling. ( degree Fahrenheit ) Dumping of ash or any wastes from thermic power station. ( g ) Land renewal bunding or upseting the natural class of saltwater with similar obstructors except those required for control of coastal eroding. ( H ) Mining of littorals, stones and others sub strain stuffs except other minerals non available outside the CRZ countries. ( I ) Construction activities in ecologically sensitive countries. ( J ) Any building activities between the Low Tide line and high tide line except in permitted countries. ( K ) Dressing or changing of sand dunes, hills natural characteristics including landscape alterations. Regulation of Permissible Activities in Coastal Regulation Zone 1. Clearance shall be given for any activities within the CRZ if it requires waterfronts and bow shore installations. 2. The undermentioned activities will necessitate environmental clearance from Ministry of Environment and Forest Govt. of India. a ) Construction activities related to defense mechanism demands for which bow shore installations are required ( e.g. Breakwaters etc. ) . B ) Operational buildings for ports and seaports and beacons necessitating H2O frontage Jetty, waves quays etc. degree Celsius ) Thermal Power Plants ( merely foreshore installations for conveyance of natural stuffs for consumption of chilling H2O and out autumn for discharge of treated waste H2O ) . vitamin D ) All other activities with investing transcending rupees Five Crores. 3. a ) The Coastal provinces and Union district Administration shall fix Coastal Zone Management Plans at the earliest and blessing be taken from Central Govt. in the Ministry of Forest and Environment. B ) Within the Framework of such blessing plans the State Govt./U.T. Administration or local Authorities shall modulate all development and activities within the Coastal Regulation Zone. Misdemeanor of Coastal Regulation Zone has been seen in assorted parts of Mumbai Metropolitan part. Several environmental militants have raised the voice against these misdemeanors. Coastal country is critical to the prosperity of state and normally most productive countries, back uping a wealth of marine resources. With rapid industrialisation, urbanisation, attendant pollutions and consuming resources along the seashore have resulted in debasement of coastal ecosystem and decreasing the life resources. Environmentally effectual coastal zone direction requires accurate, up to day of the month and comprehensive scientific information on which policy determination can be used. Mangrove Destruction and its Impact Importance of Rhizophora mangle has been recognised by assorted stakeholders of the society viz. scientists, authorities, local populations of biotic and socioeconomic services. Accurate estimations of planetary deforestation rates of Rhizophora mangles are non available ; its well-known environmental and socioeconomic impacts are observed and progressively documented in coastal communities that depend straight on Rhizophora mangles, and in highland communities with economic links to the seashore. The primary cause of devastation throughout the universe is clear cutting, illegal dumping and renewal ; these are carried for the intent of agricultural activities, aquaculture, urban enlargement, and resort development and have threatened the bulk of Rhizophora mangle ecosystem. This devastation worsening economic emphasis of mostly low-income, fast turning local population, who are driven to work Rhizophora mangles despite clear marks of debasement. Mangrove woods are a beginning of support for 1000s of coastal communities in developing states worldwide ; these communities traditionally harvest fish, runt, lumber, non-timber wood Products, and fuel wood from them. The importance of the Rhizophora mangle ecosystem transcends purveying services and includes regulative, ecological, cultural, and aesthetic services. However, these services are decreasing globally, most particularly the provisioning service, and this is seting the supports of coastal communities at hazard and increasing their exposure to tropical storms and rushs. These tendencies are the result of mounting anthropogenetic activities such as brackish H2O aquaculture, mangrove forest glade for substructure development and varied degrees of reaping for subsistence. Because of these force per unit areas, Rhizophora mangles in coastal tropical developing states are being degraded ; for case, 20-30 % of Rhizophora mangle woods have been lost in West-Central Africa since 1980 ( UNEP-WCMC, 2007 ) . Mangrove and Fishing Linkages Between Mangrove and Fishing Fishs and invertebrates use estuarial and onshore home grounds in a figure of ways: some are lone occasional visitants ; some use them merely at certain life phases, whereas others reside for good in the estuaries ( Lenanton A ; Potter 1987, Potter et Al. 1990, Potter A ; Hyndes 1999, Whitfield 1999 ) . There are assorted groups of fishes and invertebrates which show distinguishable association with Rhizophora mangle. Fishes which are found on occasion in estuaries are termed as Marine strayers ( Potter A ; Hyndes 1999, Whitfield 1999 ) and these strayers have least dependance on estuaries. There are species which uses estuaries and inshore parts for important clip period particularly during juvenile phase merely. In some marine species juveniles are merely found in Rhizophora mangles and these are termed as Rhizophora mangle dependant species ; e.g. , banana shrimp P. merguiensis ( Staples et al. 1985, Vance et Al. 1996 ) . Catadromous species travel between fresh and marine H2O besides use mangrove home grounds at certain life phases e.g. , barramundi Lates calcarifer ( Russell A ; Garrett 1983 ) . Some species spend their full life rhythm in estuaries and are termed as true estuarine species. The importance of Rhizophora mangle for prolonging production of piscary in coastal ecosystem is a widely held paradigm that mangroves act as of import baby’s room sites for piscaries species. The map of Rhizophora mangles as baby’s room sites is widely accepted ( e.g. , Blaber 2000, Kathiresan A ; Bingham 2001 ) and this paradigm is used for of import direction determinations on home ground preservation and Restoration of Rhizophora mangle ( Beck et al. 2001 ) . There are besides theories that provinces ; country of Rhizophora mangle home ground in an estuary translates to the secondary production and gimmick of commercial piscaries ( Baran 1999 ) . There are clear instances of illustration which depict the correlativity between the magnitude of commercial finfish gimmicks and the extent of Rhizophora mangles. For illustration, in the Philippines, a positive, but weak, correlativity was found between mangrove country and the gimmick of four households of commercial fi sh ( Paw A ; Chua 1991 ) . Freshwater Mangrove Marine Freshwater Mangrove Marine Figure Number of fish and shrimp species happening in fresh water, Marine and mangrove ecosystem demoing higher species diverseness in the Rhizophora mangles ( Islam A ; Haque 2005 ) . Mangrove as nursery site for fishes: Mangroves and estuaries portion characteristic characteristics such as shallow H2O, reduced wave action, high organic content in the deposit, high primary production and protection from marauders, which may all lend to their function as baby’s rooms. Nursery countries for fishes have been regarded as any countries inhabited by the juveniles, frequently with the grownups populating in separate home grounds. But, this definition of baby’s room is challenged by Beck et Al, ( 2001 ) ; he proposes a different image of fish baby’s rooms â€Å" a home ground is a baby’s room for juveniles of a peculiar species if its part per unit country to the production of persons that recruit to adult populations is greater, on norm, than production from other home grounds in which juveniles occur †. Harmonizing to this definition baby’s room is that portion of habitat country of juvenile which are most productive in footings of supply of recruits to adult popu lations and, hence, to piscaries. Based on the generative form and its association with the Rhizophora mangle fishes can be classified into following four classs: a ) Regular spawners The spawning activity of the species occurs on a regular basis in the Rhizophora mangle. The species are non needfully resident in the part, but they ever use it to engender. e.g. S. rastrifer, B. Ronchus B ) Occasional spawners The spawning activity in the Rhizophora mangle is simply occasional. This part can be used to engender, but there is no grounds that a great figure of persons in this group of species use it. These species are non as abundant in the Rhizophora mangle as those of regular spawners. e.g. C. parallelus, C. edentulus degree Celsius ) Matures in system The spawning activity of the species does non happen in the Rhizophora mangle, but this part is frequented on a regular basis during the concluding stage of ripening. e.g. I. Parvipinnis vitamin D ) Do non maturate in system The spawning activity does non happen in the Rhizophora mangle, and the gonadal ripening, if present, does non happen in many single. e.g. P. corvinaeformis, P. brasiliensis The exact function of Rhizophora mangles as baby’s rooms are non good understood but a figure of hypotheses have been proposed to explicate this function ( Robertson A ; Blaber 1992, Blaber 2000 ) . The three chief hypotheses are that Rhizophora mangles provide juveniles with ( 1 ) Safety from marauders Numerous piscivorous fish enter Rhizophora mangle during the high tide period ( Blaber et al. 1989, Vance et Al. 1996 ) therefore smaller fishes escape their marauders by come ining in Rhizophora mangle. This is attributed by assorted factors structural complexness of submersed flora, shallow H2O and turbidness can give important safeties from marauders, particularly for little, nomadic animate beings ( Robertson A ; Duke 1987, Robertson A ; Blaber 1992 ) . Mangroves provide the protection from prey by structural complexness as Rhizophora mangle home ground is really complex structurally because of pneumatophores and fallen dust ( leaves, subdivisions and logs ) , prop roots, buttresses and subdivisions. These constructions provide protection in assorted ways: by cut downing prey visibleness, by take downing brush rate of quarry and marauder, and by restricting the ability of marauder to seek for and gaining control quarry ( Ronnback et al. 1999 ) . Shallow H2O status does non favor the entry of big marauders therefore supplying another signifier of garbage for little fishes and crustaceans ( Boesch A ; Turner 1984, Blaber 2000 ) . It has been observed at assorted topographic points that little fishes and shrimps moved into more shallow Waterss while larger predatory fishes remained in deeper H2O at the peripheries of the Rhizophora mangles. High turbidness and shadow beneath the Rhizophora mangle canopy decreases the submerged visibleness. The turbid and shaded H2O frequently found around Rhizophora mangles may therefore supply an extra safety from ocular marauders ( Blaber A ; Blaber 1980, Whitfield 1999 ) . Juvenile fishes acquire attracted to turbid countries and may utilize the turbidness gradient to turn up nursery countries. Abundances of some fish species have been found to be higher in countries of higher turbidness ( Blaber 2000 ) . Figure: Conceptual conventional diagram of the food and energy fluxes in self-sustained Rhizophora mangle ecosystem and the interaction of Rhizophora mangle with next fresh water and offshore marine ecosystem. ( Beginning: Islam A ; Haque, 2005 ) ( 2 ) Abundance of nutrient Nutrient content and primary productiveness are normally really high in mangrove country and nutrient handiness is more for fishes and crustaceans than any other coastal home grounds. Food comes to the Rhizophora mangle system from upstream and from seaward and they are concentrated in mangrove country by pin downing. Primary productiveness in the Rhizophora mangle forest itself attributed to several beginnings including air plants, phytoplankton, mangrove trees, and benthal microalgae ( Ronnback 1999 ) . Assorted fishes consume most of their provender when they come to the mangrove country. Primary productiveness in Rhizophora mangle wood forms the footing of a nutrient web providing abundant and varied trophic resources to higher consumers ( Baran A ; Hambrey 1998 ) . Mangrove forest green goods litter throughput the twelvemonth, they have the ability to bring forth big measures of litter, runing from 10,000 to 14,000 kilograms dry weight/ ha/ twelvemonth ( Hamilton and Snedaker, 1984 ) . Most animals are unable to absorb this straight and necessitate bacterial enrichment before ingestion. However, sesarmid pediculosis pubis can straight devour Rhizophora mangle litter and/or store 30-80 % of the litterfall ( Ronnback 1999 ) . These pediculosis pubiss are eaten by fishes, making a tract for Rhizophora mangle foods to come in nutrient webs. ( 3 ) Shelter from physical perturbations Mangrove home ground is the country of low current, where impact of coastal tide gets reduced. This provides the little juvenile fishes benign physical environment to settle. Mangrove presence increases the abode clip of H2O, particularly in level, broad Rhizophora mangles with complex waterways ( Wolanski A ; Ridd 1986 ) . The juveniles of few species of crustaceans, such as banana shrimps Penaeus merguiensis and P. indicus ) , are found entirely in Rhizophora mangle ecosystem ( Staples et al. 1985, Vance et Al. 1998, Ronnback et Al. 2002 ) and are described as extremely mangrove-dependent. It has been established from assorted surveies that approximately two tierce of universe ‘s fish and shellfish crop are straight linked to estuarine home ground ( Robertson A ; Blaber 1992 ) . Mangrove Destruction Assorted surveies confirm the devastation of Rhizophora mangle throughout the Earth and in peculiar have focused on gauging the entire country cleared, rate of glade, loss of deposits and eroding ( Hatcher et al. 1989, Valiela et Al. 2001, Alongi 2002 ) . How to cite The Rapid Expansion Of Urban Spaces Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Internal Environment Growth Strategies
There are many strategies that companies use to enhance organizational growth. Growth is brought about when a company expands its market share either by entering new markets, increasing market share in existing market, creating new products or diversifying the product range.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Internal Environment: Growth Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This in theory is known as the Ansoff Matrix which is a marketing tool used in the development of growth strategies. Other than these strategies, modern companies are looking for easier methods of achieving growth. This is achieved through the use of mergers and acquisitions which enable the purchasing company to gain additional markets and product range without individually altering their product or market strategies. IBM acquired Mainspring in 2001 while Oracle acquired PeopleSoft in 2004 (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson, 2011). Growth through mergers and acquisitions is a delicate strategy which can easily fail if approached without considering factors such as cultural diversity, employee conflict and consumer perceptions. The Ansoff Matrix explains four options that companies have when pursuing growth (Ray, 2010). They can either approach the challenge by focusing on the product aspect or the market. The options available include creating a new product/ market or developing the existing market/ product range. When applying this theory, a company can create a new product and use it to increase its existing market share. This is called product diversification which involves creation of differentiated/ new products so as to appeal to a different customer segment. The same company can also use the existing products to enter into new markets which have not been tapped or flooded by competitor goods. With focus on the market, the company can increase market share either by entering new markets or through market penetr ation which involves the use of aggressive marketing techniques to increase sales in the existing market. Market penetration approach was used by Intel when the company made one the most remembered come backs in the business world. Intel was facing the risk of collapse due to excessive competition and difficulty of consumers to differentiate Intel products from those of competitors. Instead of giving in to obliteration due to these factors, Intel went back to the drawing board and decided to use marketing strategies to lift itself from the situation. Amongst the growth strategies available Intel chose market penetration strategy so as to increase its market share which had dwindled due to increased use of competitor goods. Intel began branding their products after the use of codes failed to guarantee copyright protection since engineering numbers could not be trademarked (Kotler, Keller and Burton, 2009). In order to popularise its Pentium brand and fight competition, Intel used the Intel Inside marketing campaign to advertise the company in the minds of consumers.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The market penetration strategy is well explained by the approach used by Intel to increase market share in a market which was slowly being taken over by competitors. The company was willing to use which ever marketing opportunity that was available to appeal to consumers. They assisted computer makers to advertise themselves provided that they placed a sticker that indicated that the Intel microprocessor was inside the PC or laptop. Intel also used TV adverts to popularise its products in its twelve largest markets globally through mass media. To supplement television as a medium for mass media advertising, Intel also used print, outdoor advertising and online marketing to carry out their marketing campaigns. These efforts have paid off since Intel is no w one of the most valued brands globally with a value exceeding the 2006 figure of US$ 32 Billion (Kotler, Keller and Burton, 2009). Summary All companies desire to obtain growth which is seen to be an indication of prosperity. Growth is brought about when a company expands its market share either by entering new markets, increasing market share in existing market, creating new products or diversifying the product range. Growth strategies revolve around a new product/ market or the existing product/ market. Other companies have used mergers and acquisitions to generate growth since they are able to gain from the market share of existing companies. Reference List Hitt, MA, Ireland, RD Hoskisson, RE, 2011, Strategic management:Â competitiveness globalization Concepts, South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason OH Kotler, P, Keller, KL Burton, S 2009, Marketing Management (1st edition), Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest NSW Ray, KG 2010, Mergers and Acquisitions, PHI Learni ng Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi This assessment on Internal Environment: Growth Strategies was written and submitted by user Kristen Knight to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Circuit City Essays
Circuit City Essays Circuit City Paper Circuit City Paper Circuit City is currently the number two store in the consumer electronics industry and the number three seller of consumer electronics products. Circuit City operates exclusively in the United States. Circuit City has been falling into trouble in the past few years. There have been extensive layoffs as well as reconfiguring of the management system in order to cut costs. The external force that is greatly affecting Circuit City is the economic times; the disposable income of the consumer is key to the consumer electronics industry. There is intense pressure from rivals Best Buy and Wal-Mart, without change Circuit City will continue to fall below its competitors. In the internal environment of Circuit City the marketing aspect of the supply chain is very weak. The service aspect is where the value is located. For Circuit City to fully take advantage of their core competency it is necessary for them to create more value in the marketing segment. Circuit City must address the customers, competitors, suppliers, and economic forces in order to succeed in the consumer electronics industry. Strategic alternatives that will address these issues include updating and controlling technical and operating systems, shifting management from top-down to bottom up, and creating an identifiable brand. The key strategic alternative that Circuit City must address in order to succeed in the industry is creating a brand. A marketable image must be created that will create loyalty among consumers. In order to successfully implement this Circuit City must update its image, create buzz, increase marketing efforts, and create their own niche. If Circuit City successfully implements and carries though the recommendations to re-brand itself, they will succeed in the consumer electronics industry. By creating a new image they will successfully secure the number two spot behind Best Buy, with distant goals of surpassing their competitor. Issues and Outlook Profile Budi In a year of 2000, Circuit City has a physical store in 45 different states. Circuit City operates more location in more than any other consumer electronics specialty retailer. The company has more than 600 retail outlets, 7 service centers, and 10 distributions center. In a year of 2002, Circuit City Stores, Inc. completes the separation of CarMax. The separation eliminates the companys tracking stock structure and two common stock series Circuit City Group Common Stock and CarMax Group Common Stock. Effective October 1, 2002, the Circuit City Group Common Stock is renamed Circuit City common stock and represents an ownership interest only in the Circuit City business, and CarMax, Inc. becomes an independent, separately traded public company. In a year of 2003, given the strong sales lift and internal rate of return seen with relocated stores after their first six months, Circuit City accelerates its relocation program. In fiscal 2004, Circuit City relocates 18 stores and opens eight new stores. In a year of 2004, Circuit City agrees to sell its private-label credit card operation, including both its private-label Circuit City credit card accounts and its co-branded Circuit City Plus Visa credit card accounts, to Bank One Corporation. Circuit City and Bank One will enter into an ongoing arrangement under which Bank One will offer private-label and co-branded credit cards to both new and existing customers. Circuit City announces it has purchased the assets of MusicNow, a leading digital music platform. InterTAN, Inc., a leading consumer electronics retailer of both private-label and internationally branded products with headquarters in Barrie, Ontario, becomes a subsidiary of Circuit City following a tender offer in which Circuit City acquired the outstanding shares of InterTAN, Inc. As part of its store revitalization program, Circuit City plans to open 60 to 70 new Superstores with a fairly even split between store relocations (circuitcity.com/cccareers /about/history .html). Recently in 2007, Circuit City Stores Inc., which is cutting jobs and restructuring to fend off competition, swung to a fiscal first-quarter loss and withdrew its financial forecast for the year.The results came a day after rival Best Buy Co. reported sharply lower first-quarter profit and downgraded its 2008 earnings outlook. Both retailers say shoppers are turning away from high-margin items such as flat-screen televisions. Circuit City said sales fell 4.3% in the quarter ended May 31; sales at stores open at least a year fell 5.6%.The Richmond, Va., company said in March it would replace 3,400 highly paid workers with lower-paid employees. In the first quarter, the amount of change that we introduced to the company led to significant volatility, which we expect to continue through the summer, Chief Executive Philip Schoonover said. Combined with an uncertain macroeconomic environment, for the time being, it is difficult to project sales and earnings performance for the balance of the fiscal year, he said. Circuit City said it still expects to open 60 to 65 new and relocated domestic stores this fiscal year. It said more than half of them would be in a 20,000-square-foot format. UBS analyst Brian Nagel said the results show Circuit City is still struggling to turn around. We remain disappointed with the continued slow pace of recovery at Circuit City, he wrote to clients. The loss is the latest dismal news for the company, which has lost several top executives while battling for market share with Best Buy. The companies and others engaged in a price war during the holiday season and slashed prices, particularly on LCD and plasma televisions. Goldman Sachs analyst Matthew Fassler called the results predictably problematic. Circuit City is experiencing the same problems as Best Buy, but at amplified levels, across sales growth and margin rate, Mr. Fassler wrote to clients. Moreover, as Circuit City invests aggressively in systems, an understandable priority, it subjugates near-term results to longer term investment. In the most recent quarter, consolidated gross profit margin narrowed to 22.5% from 24.5% in the same period last fiscal year. At the end of March, the retailer turfed 3,400 employees in the U.S. and Canada because it thought they were overpaid and announced plans to replace them with cheaper workers. Betty Owen, 56, of El Paso, Texas, was one of them. Owen, a part-time worker logging full-time hours, was pulling in $10.10 per hour (all figures U.S.).According to published reports, the company decided to get rid of workers whose wage level was at least 51 cents above Circuit Citys established pay rates. From a dollars and cents perspective, the move seems to make sense. Take 3,400 workers, assuming they work 40 hours per week, slash their wages by the lowest amount (51 cents) and the company will save at least $3.6 million every year in labor costs. Thats not small change. Or is it? Considering Circuit City had 42,000 workers and $11.6 billion in revenue in 2006 and net income of $162.5 million, $3.6 million doesnt seem like much. And from a public relations standpoint, its a disaster. The announcement was met with calls to boycott the store and at least one lawsuit. Three employees in California have filed an age discrimination suit theyre trying to have certified as a class-action lawsuit. Fighting that battle alone could dissolve the savings from the wage cuts. The repercussions are bound to echo beyond bad PR. Most of the workers being let go have been on the job awhile, and their experience is walking out the door with them. Training costs will increase and customer service will undoubtedly suffer. And exactly what kind of workers are going to be filling these roles? When it made the very public announcements about wage cuts and terminations, Circuit City might as well have hung a sign on all its stores stating that, good, talented workers need not apply. But thats the new reality in retail, right? The Wal-Martization of the business means retailers have to keep wages low to stay competitive and theres no room for good HR practices, right? Wrong. A little outfit called Costco is punching all kinds of holes in that thinking. The Issaquah, Wash.-based warehouse club pays its workers generously. By some reports, they start at about $10 per hour and their earnings rise to about $44,000 per year after four years. They also get a strong benefits package. The result is low turnover and a very loyal staff. In 2004, Business Week decided to put Costcos labor practices to the test. It compared Costco to Sams Club, the membership warehouse operated by Wal-Mart. It found that by compensating employees generously to motivate and retain good workers Costco actually keeps its labor costs lower than Wal-Marts as a percentage of sales. Costco pulled in $13,647 in operating profit per hourly employee versus $11,039 at Sams Club. Jim Sinegal, Costcos CEO and founder, has resisted pressure from investors to cut costs, shrugging off comments that its better to be an employee at Costco than a shareholder. We think its good business. In the final analysis, you get what you pay for. Better employees mean higher productivity. Weve proven that with our business model. We want to turn our inventory faster than our people, he said. (Paying low wages) doesnt keep employees happy. It keeps them looking for other jobs. Plus managers spend all their time hiring replacements rather than running your business. The lesson? Better paid employees are more productive and happy, and that translates into a healthy bottom line. Thats an idea that seems to be lost on Circuit City.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Personal Customs Exemptions for Returning Canadians
Personal Customs Exemptions for Returning Canadians If you are a Canadian resident or temporary resident of Canada returning to Canada from a trip outside the country, or a former Canadian resident returning to live in Canada, you may qualify for a personal exemption to bring a certain value of goods into Canada without having to pay the regular duties. You will still have to pay duties, taxes and any provincial/territory assessments on the value of goods above your personal exemption. Children, even babies, are entitled to a personal exemption. A parent or guardian can make a declaration on the childs behalf as long as the goods being declared are for the childs use. The amount you claim for your personal exemption must be reported in Canadian dollars. Use a foreign exchange converter to change foreign currencies into Canadian dollars. The personal exemption for returning Canadian residents depends on the length of time you have been outside of Canada. The personal exemptions for Canadian residents have been increased effective June 1, 2012. The new exemption limits go up to CAN$200 from CAN$50 for absences of 24 hours or longer, and up to CAN$800 if youre out of the country longer than 48 hours. After a 7-day absence, you are allowed to include goods that will follow you by mail or another delivery method. Outside Canada for Less Than 24 Hours No exemption. Outside Canada for 24 Hours or More If you are outside Canada for 24 hours or more, you may claim a personal exemption of up to CAN$200 worth of goodsthe goods must accompany youtobacco or alcohol may not be claimed in this exemption Note: If you bring in goods worth more than CAN$200 in total, you cannot claim this exemption. Instead, you have to pay full duties on all the goods you bring in. Outside Canada for 48 Hours or More If you are outside Canada for 48 hours or more, you may claim a personal exemption of up to CAN$800 worth of goodsthe goods must accompany youyou can include some tobacco products and alcohol, but only a partial exemption may apply to cigarettes, tobacco products or manufactured tobacco. Outside Canada for 7 Days or More To calculate the number of days you have been outside Canada for the purposes of this personal exemption, do not include the day you left Canada but do include the day you returned. If you are outside Canada for 7 days or more, you may claim a personal exemption of up to CAN$800 worth of goodsyou can include some tobacco products and alcohol, but only a partial exemption may apply to cigarettes, tobacco products or manufactured tobacco.alcohol and tobacco products must accompany youother goods do not need to accompany you when you cross the border.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Analyzing Marketing Opportunities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analyzing Marketing Opportunities - Essay Example GVA online defines market demand as the "total volume purchased in a specific geographic area by a specific customer group in a specified time period under a specified marketing program (GVA Online GVA, 2003/2004)." In the case of Qantas market demand is indicated by the total number of travelers and individuals who patronize the services that they offer, having the resources to pay for the bill charged by the company. When assessing the total demand for the company's product and services, the company takes into account only those people who can afford to pay them, excluding those who won't be able to afford those that they offer or those who don't intend to take a trip by plane. Market demand, market potential, and sales forecast are interrelated. It is due to the fact that market demand is utilized to generate an accurate sales forecast and sales potential. As defined above, market demand is the historical demand for a good or service by customers backed by purchasing power. Sales forecasting is a very essential tool in assessing the health of a business entity. The accuracy of sales forecast can also give decision makers in the company the required information to come up with precise and useful strategies that will boost the revenue and profit of the business in the long run. Companies that implement accurate sales forecasting processes reap benefits such as enhanced cash flow, knowledge on timing and quantity of inventory to be purchased, in-depth knowledge of customers and the products that they prefer, the ability to plan production and required capacity, an insight on the trend and pattern of sales, determination of the value of business above the value of current assets, and the ability to determine the expected return on investment (Conduct a Sales Forecast, 2000). These benefits in turn, will help the company maximize its revenue and efficiency, minimized costs and further boost customer retention. In sales forecasting, the company come up with a sales volume which the company expects to generate in the future. Since the forecast is based on past sales of the company, it is necessary to know the dollar sales volume of the firm for the past several years. If not enough sales data have been recorded, it may be necessary to improvise (Conduct a Sales Forecast, 2000). In the case of Qantas, sales forecasting can be done by gathering data on how the company performed during the past years. Historical data of number of passengers should be gathered according to the time-frame needed. In its other line of businesses like food service, it can utilize the historical data on dollar sales. Sales forecasting can be employed to predict the short-term and long term sales of the company. For a short-term forecast, it is usually enough to know the sales for the past few weeks or months in comparison with the corresponding period of the year before. If sales for the past 4 weeks were 8 percent more than the corresponding 4 weeks of the preceding year, sales for the next few weeks can reasonably be expected to be 8 percent ahead of the corresponding period a year ago (Conduct a Sales Forecast, 2000). Adjustments have to be made, of course, for any known or predicted conditions
Monday, February 3, 2020
The earnings report management in the United Kingdom Essay
The earnings report management in the United Kingdom - Essay Example This research aims to evaluate and present the aspects that include adverse market reactions to the share price put on a listed entity incase outcomes fall short of the expectations of the market, the relationship of executive managers; salaries to results, stock options and capital gains, compliance with loan covenants and understating profits for the reduction of tax liabilities among others. In the United States of America, financial reporting has been strengthened with vigorous investigations of earnings manipulation and manager dealings. This was highly used by US SEC and other regulatory authorities. This was done mainly because financial frauds that have occurred recently have been due to insider trade relationships and earnings manipulation. In addition, there have been changes in accounting discretion, which influence issues that touch on accounting and financial earnings. One of the most famous methods that managers can use to manage earnings is through the administration o f accruals with avoidance of direct cash flow outcomes. Some examples are unjustifiable dreadful debts requirements, delay in asset write-offs and opportunistic assortment of accounting techniques among others. However, the discretionary element of accruals has created a loophole for executive to manipulate the accrual element of earnings. Because of the flexibility provided by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), accrual earnings management could result to managerial discretion.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Importance Of Strategic Marketing Plan For Nestle Marketing Essay
The Importance Of Strategic Marketing Plan For Nestle Marketing Essay The definition of FMCG is Fast Moving Consumer Goods which is alternative for CPG (consumer packaged goods) inclusive of production, marketing and distribution. FMCG are durables that are consumed regularly. The industry involves selling, supply chain management, production, financing, activities that generate an income on sales due to fast turnover. The purchase cycle of some of these items is small in comparison to other durables. 1.1 FMCG industry economy FMCG is wide industry with many competitors. The number of manufacturers is growing. The investment in this industry is also growing. 1.2 Common FMCG products Some of the examples of FMCG products are: * Coffee, * Tea, * Dry cells, * Greeting cards, * Gifts, * Detergents, * Tobacco and cigarettes, * Watches, * Soaps, * Plastic goods, * Paper products, * Batteries, * Bulbs, * Cosmetics Some common FMCG product categories include: * Food and dairy products, * Glassware, * Paper products, * Pharmaceuticals, * Consumer electronics, * packaged food products, * Printing and stationery, * Household products, * Photography, * Drinks One of the leading companies in Sri Lanka that is well known for FMCG is Nestles. 2.0 Introduction Nestle Lanka PLC deals in the manufacturing of food and beverages in Sri Lanka .The food items are mainly dairy products. The company produces noodles and coconut milk powder products too. The brand names used by Nestle Lanka PLC are, NESTOMALT, MAGGI, NESPRAY, MILO, and CERELAC. This company in globally situated with the Head office in Sri Lanka. 3.0 Areas looked into in the strategic plan Introduction SWOT Analysis STPD Analysis BGC Matrix Michael Porters Five Forces Model Brand Recall Value Future Trends Marketing Strategy Marketing Targets from the financial year 2010-2011 The 4 Ps-Products, Promotion, Price, Place Marketing Research Marketing Budget Implementation Controls 3.1 The Noodle Market Basically made of flour under modern production facilities. Each production requires a good for consumption certification. Other than bread noodles in Sri Lanka has a quite a large demand. Noodles differ according to the raw material used. It also differentiated according to the size of the noodle. Some of the popular noodles are Rice vermicelli in Sri Lanka, Beehoon in Malaysia, Mee fun in China, Bifun in Japan, and the list goes on. But the largest consumption is by China and Japan. 3.1.1 Maggi Noodles Maggi is very popular among Sri Lankan as the 2 minutes noodle. This is an instant product. Although this was popular among busy women in the urban areas, the semi urban women who made it a point to cook each day, was extremely concerned of the nutrition value of the food that their children had turned a blind eye to this product. Although there was a lot of money spent on advertising, Maggi sales were slow. Months of research showed Nestles that there target market was wrong. They needed to target the children for they were the ones who enjoyed the flavour. Maggi moved from being a convenient product to fun product. The slogan went on to say Fast to cook, good to eat. Maggi was aggressively promoted by sponsoring childrens events, giving free samples, media advertising showing a 2 minute preparation to feed hungry children after play. The sole purpose being communicated of the benefits and convenience of this 2 minutes meal.5.JPG It was in late 2000 that the instant soupy noodles were introduced. The ad will bring a smile in many as you hear the words Appi podi sellamak karamu, Ammi kiyana kota kanna, bonna In addition Nestles offered other Maggi products like sauces, ketchups, seasonings, etc., but the noodles was the most popular of them all. There was a decline in the market with Prima put out an instant noodle that was palatable to Sri Lankans called Prima Kottu Mee. But Nestles was quick to counter act with spice flavoured Maggi noodles, which helped win back the lost market share. There after Maggi had very little competition, till early 2008 when information spread on the unhealthiness of the substance in the sachet. 4.0 SWOT Analysis SWOT analyses Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of the business. SWOT looks in-depth into internal and external factors that affect the objective of Nestles noodles. Strengths Market leader, Brand loyalty, Distribution channels, Advertising strategy Weaknesses Heavily dependent on One flavour ,Minor distribution problems, Health related issues Opportunities Unexploited rural markets, Increasing number of working youth, Innovative flavours for Sri Lankan taste buds Threats Strong presence of regional competitors, Competitive pricing (Prima), Affinity of Sri Lankan to Chinese food 5.0 STPD Analysis of Maggi Noodles Segmentation: Based on lifestyle and habits of urban families Targeting: Kids, Office goers Positioning: With statements such as 2 minute noodles and Easy to cook, good to eat Differentiation: Taste, Flavours, Packaging 6.0 BCG matrix The BCG matrix is known in many names. (Aka B.C.G. analysis, B.C.G.-matrix, Boston Box, Boston Consulting Group analysis) The creator is Bruce Henderson for the Boston Consulting Group in 1970. Helps businesses to use analytical tools to allocate resources in strategic management. bcg.bmp 6.1 Michael Porters Five Forces Model Porters five forces were developed by Michael E. Porter in 1980. This is an analysis of competitors and their strategies. This is an important tool when structuring a strategic process Porter identifies forces affect all markets and sectors and their profitability within the industry. With the information acquired from the Porters five the Nestles will be able to decide ways to manipulate the industry. Rivalry among Competing Firms Rivalry among competitors is very fierce. There are scarce customers because the industry is highly saturated and the competitors try to snatch their share of market. Market Players use all sorts of tactics and activities from intensive advertisement campaigns to promotional stuff and price wars etc. Hence the intensity of rivalry is very high Bargaining Power of Consumers Bargaining power of consumers is also very high. This is because switching costs of most of the goods is very low and there is no threat of buying one product over other. Customers are never reluctant to buy or try new things off the shelf. Potential Development of Substitute Products There are complex and never ending consumer needs and no firm can satisfy all sorts of needs alone. There are plenty of substitute goods available in the market that can be re-placed if consumers are not satisfied with one. The wide range of choices and needs give a sufficient room for new product development that can replace existing goods. This leads to higher consumers expectation. Potential Entry of New Competitors Does not have any measures which can control the entry of new firms. The resistance is very low and the structure of the industry is so complex that new firms can easily enter and also offer tough competition due to cost effectiveness. Hence potential entry of new firms is highly viable. Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of suppliers of raw materials and intermediate goods is not very high. There is ample number of substitute suppliers available and the raw materials are also readily available and most of the raw materials are homogeneous. There is no monopoly situation in the supplier side because the suppliers are also competing among themselves. 7.0 Marketing Strategies 7.1 Financial objective To increase profit by 15% from the profit declared as at Dec 2010. The budget for the marketing promotion is Rs. 2,000,000/- Budgeted Profit Loss Account 2011-2012 Rupees in Millions11.gif Sales 25 Cost Of Goods sold 5 Gross Sales 6.jpg 20 Administrative Expenses 1 Marketing Expenses 2 R D 0.5 Promotion 1 Distribution 0.5 Marketing Research 1 Miscellaneous 0.5 7.2 The 4 Ps Product: Introduction of a healthier noodle. A red rice flour to be introduced. Increase the fibre contents. Add artificial nutrients. Make the product cheaper for the rural fork. 100 grams, 200grams, 400 grams packets to be introduced. Price: Healthier noodles to attract health conscious clientele. A family pack to be introduced at a discount of 5%. The packet that goes at Rs 40 to be sold at Rs.35.9.jpg Place: Large distribution network. Distribution to small shop lets. Have a mobile van distributing samples at a Sunday fair. Get a renowned chef famous among the rural fork e.g.: Mr.Pubilis Silva to demonstrate certain dishes with the use of Maggi noodles. Promotion: Communicate to the public the health aspects in consuming Maggi noodles. Advertise using rural children running through paddy fields to capture the hearts of semi urban. Use young public figures, icons; brand ambassadors may it be sports like Tehani Guruge for Squash, Charith Rajapaksha for Cricket under 17.or child actors and actresses. Promote in schools. 7.3 Time line 7.4 Future trends 7.4.1 Objectives 8.jpg Introduction of characters that attract the attention of kids. Organizing of programs and competitions for kids at Vihara Maha Devi Park or children schools. Cooking demonstrations with the use of Maggi- awards and hampers for innovative recipes. 8.0 Research methodology Target Area: Small towns Customers: Kids, House wives Shop sample: Minimum 25 Customer Sample Size: Minimum 75 8.1 Implementation Controls Monitoring, review and control will be done by the Director Marketing at Nestles. Monthly review with Director Finance and CEO of Nestles. 8.1.1 Areas of monitoring Implementation of marketing plan Actual to targeted goals. Gap of analysis Corrective action Redo marketing plan after review 9.0 Conclusion 9.1 Re-launch of Maggi Till 2008 Maggi was a core brand for Nestles. It was at the beginning 2011that Nestles decided to go healthy with new tastes and added nutrition.http://www.google.lk/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcToIkd3Q-v9CuxtPAD15wZFf4IAgSx-xGqb2D46M3x6eTCEjqFd4bzSFA 17.jpg 9.2 Maggi takes the Health Route In May 2011, Nestles introduced Maggi Rathu Kakulu.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Bandura’s Social Modeling
Albert Bandura argues that personality is shaped not only by environmental influences on the person, but also by the person’s ability to influence the environment. Social learning states that thinking is an important determinant of behavior.The inclusion of cognitive viewpoints within a behavioral framework has been a relatively recent trend, especially apparent in the work of personality learning theorist J.B. Rotter. Rotter believes that the most important variables in determining personality are the person’s expectations concerning future outcomes and the values of different reinforcements that might occur in a particular situation (Atkinson et al., 2000; Smith et al., 2001).In other words, a person’s behavior depends on what he expects the outcome to any particular action to be and what those outcomes are worth. The likelihood that someone will be aggressive when trying to return a merchandise to a department store would depend then, on that person’s e xpectation about whether or not aggression will work (Atkinson et al., 2000).In Bandura’s viewpoint, human motives (Atkinson et al. 2000; Papalia, 2002). With this premise, the theory is basically leaning toward the philosophical idea of freedom. Man is free to chart his course and how he is supposed to fulfill his various needs; i.e. his physiological dimension. In addition, the manner with which he carves himself in a particular niche that satisfies his psychological domains is also based on his own volition.There is no flavor of unconscious thoughts pervading motivation like when the idea of psychological instincts being interpreted within Maslow’s understanding; in contrast to this notion, any individual can basically control their own behavior.This theory believes on the capacities of human nature to achieve what man wants to achieve rather than be held captive by forces within him or in his external world; it is the internal determinants such as we may ch oose skills to lie dormant or latent (Papalia et al., 2002; Smith et al., 2002). For example, i may not imitate aggressive behavior unless i am provoked or/and believe that I am more likely to be rewarded by it than punished for it.Since the premise of this theory hinges on freedom, a person’s characteristics therefore are developed by social influences. According to Bandura and later by personality theorist Rotter, Observational Learning,  accounts for most human learning. It occurs when, as children, in my case for instance, I observe my parents cook, clean, or repair a broken appliance.Biology or heritability is deemphasized, rather the value of being introduced on a particular aspect or several aspects of human experience is basis or the basis for the development of human characteristics. There is evidence that observational learning for simple â€Å"single action†tasks, such as opening the halves of a toy barrel to look at a barrel inside, occurs as early as o ne year (Smith et al., 2001).This theory eventually emphasizes individuality or uniqueness, as it fundamentally illustrates in its assertion that every one has the capability for breakthroughs in circumstances which may be difficult. Man is also capable to learn and communicate about himself and others (Papalia et al., 2002; Smith et al., 2002).Observational learning is not mechanically acquired through reinforcement. We can learn by observation without engaging in overt responses at all. It appears sufficient to pay attention to the behavior of others (Atkinson et al., 2000).Since man is free, unique and has the possibilities to accomplish whatever he is set to do, it is also asserted that man is proactive: he can choose how to respond in any situation and may even extend himself to advance his interests, both positive and negative at whatever goal or in whatever circumstance he may be in (Papalia et al., 2002; Smith et al., 2002; Atkinson et al., 2000).The theory overall is hopefu l and positive in every essence. Individuals then have all the chances to make their lives fulfilling, impact others on virtues of honesty, charity and generosity, if and when he determines himself to be one.Likewise, he can also influence and negatively affect those that surround him when he chooses to do so. In this perspective then, an individual has high hopes of changing his attitudes and disposition, as well as his physical arrangements in life (Papalia et al., 2002; Smith et al., 2002).
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay Hamlets Flaws and Sanity - 1085 Words
William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Hamlet†is a classic revenge tale. â€Å"Hamlet†is well known for the famous soliloquy â€Å"To be, or not to be†which I find best to describe Hamlet’s character. Hamlet was given the task to avenge his father’s death. As the story progress Hamlet begins to question his worthiness, questioning his very existence. Hamlet’s emotions influence his every action throughout the story. Hamlet is not the typical hero that readers label; he has many imperfections and displays his own manner of heroism. I will talk about Hamlet’s flaws and his sanity in this essay, and with them opinions of others as well as my own. I will also include my thoughts about the central theme and symbols in the story. Hamlet actions don’t†¦show more content†¦The source of Hamlets uncertainty is that he cant decide whether or not to kill Claudius. What makes this hard for many people to accept as a flaw is that Hamlet comes up with acceptable reasons to justify his delays. Hamlet questions himself, his goal, his reason for being alive, but for every question an opportunity to kill Claudius was exposed and he didnt take it. Hamlet, was without a doubt confused, and probably scared, but the key question here is, was Hamlet in his right mind? Was he stable enough to attempt such a deed as to kill his king without questioning his every thought, reason, and his judgment of himself? Hamlet was not a person of sound mind; in fact, probably insane to the point of a breakdown, simply because of all the events that occurred to him was right after each other. Hamlet was not able to recover each event that he faced took an immense toll on him. His procrastination kills not only himself, but also his mother, his girlfriend, and others, but it also leaves the reader full of doubt. Of course it was obvious that Hamlet will kill the new king, but was it necessary to have so many deaths due to one mans uncertainty? Hamlet was not only fighting a battle against hi s father murderer, but a war within his self, blinded by insanity from reality. Hamlet was obsessed with death and killing Claudius and thisShow MoreRelatedHamlet, By William Shakespeare1492 Words  | 6 PagesOne must always be able to see the flaws in their idols. The play Hamlet centers on protagonist Hamlet as he questions whether to take revenge against his uncle for killing his father or leave him alive. Written by William Shakespeare in the early 17th century, Hamlet addresses motifs of indecisiveness, insanity, as well as death and suicide. Furthermore, the majority of these motifs are left up to interpretation. 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